Thursday, November 29, 2012

i told u...

i said it here first... two weeks ago... when so many were soooo thrilled that obama was "allowing" us to bomb gaza... besides the point he rammed thru a ceasefire way pre-mature and stuffed it down our throats so nothing tangible got done... but here's the main point i said... "as soon as the gaza thing is over u watch... mark my words... obama will immediately go after getting the jewish people off the west bank and will not relent his entire second term..." and thus we see i'm right with the un vote today... the u.s. voted no officially at the un in ny but u know they were cheering in the white house in washington... israel got two weeks to bomb gaza and now the so-called "palestinians" get 4 yrs of a full-court press on israel by obama and the world to get off the west bank... well... i don't like to tell u i told u so... but after all... they don't call it 'beit lavan' for nothing... mosh.out...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

yet again an utter waste of time and effort...? alright and now in the insanity of it all as a condition for a cease fire that hamas is dictating to us... WE HAVE TO OPEN ALL BORDER CROSSINGS AND CHECKPOINTS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND GAZA AND GAZA AND EGYPT... what...? so we can all kiss and make up...? not hardly... can't anyone in the sick israeli gov't see that it will lead to bloodshed of jews as a wave of terror will soon befall us if we are this insane and utterly stupid to comply with this madness...? and of course earlier today when the news of the ceasefire hit the air waves... rockets were still being fired at 6 israeli cities... and get this... hamas said it wasn't them but islamic jihad in their midst whom they suddenly "have no control over..." same ploy used by the pa after oslo was signed when hamas went on their rampage of spilling jewish blood like water in the streets of israel... which the pa claimed was out of their ability to prevent and rein in... and then when we were going to take him out arafat got hamas to stop in jerusalem and within the green line but still reserved the right to slaughter settlers in the "occupied territories" all of this after signing on the dotted line that they were done with violence and were swearing off terrorism... do they really think we are still this dumb...? well maybe we all are... i mean doesn't anyone out there perceive the fraud and utter sham behind all of this...? and now after all the dust settles israel will be no better off than they were before and all of this trouble will have been for nought yet again... we have to rise up in revolt against the leaders of israel and america and within the seriously demented american jewish establishment leadership circles that continue to preach this death by a thousand cuts to israel and the jewish people... they pretend to still maintain the peace process continues to move forward... but we all should be able to see by now that they are all utter liars and traitors and really are seeking israel's demise... just as plain as the sinister smirk on all of their faces at the announcement of the forced ceasefire they have shoved down all of our throats just in the nick of time right when we were on the verge of wiping all of hamas out... also harkening back to the '82 war in lebanon when we had all of the plo dead-to-rights and were forced by the reagan gov't to let them off the hook... there never would have been an oslo if we had finished arafat off back then... the world stops us always right on the doorstep of total victory... as was the case in '67 at the end of the 6 day war...
folks part three is complicated... i will get it out to u as soon as i can... hopefully later tonite or if not perhaps tomorrow... bear with me and stay tuned...
revised and extended... part two... "the sun is finally setting on the mamlechet zadon (the evil empire)..." esav is in decline... i can sense it... their time of ascendency is rapidly coming to an end... their power is slipping away right thru their fingertips as the sand of their time in the sun runs out... and we the loyal and righteous of the jewish people and along with us all truly decent gentiles are emerging from the long dark age of edom/rome... we have waited long enough... we have endured more than our share of pain and persecution... and we have yearned long enough for the glory of G-d to return to this earth in the form of His Divine Presence again residing in our holy temple in jerusalem... all past excuses and divergences have finally been thoroughly exhausted... 1) "it is too soon..." 2) "the world is not ready..." 3) "it is not time..." 4) "we are not yet sufficiently worthy..." 5) "moshiach has not arrived yet..." 6) "but making the attempt to go up there and build it will usher in world war three..." 7) "the muslim world will go absolutely apoplectic..." all of these and more can be answered now one by one... a) it's not too soon... why the way things look right now in the middle east... it's much too late! b) if the world does not get a huge transfusion of G-dliness and a shot in the arm of real authentic spirituality in a hurry it is going to implode in a nuclear inferno of mass mutually assured self-destruction... c) if not now...WHEN!!!? AFTER the next holocaust which we can already see brewing on the horizon this very moment...? G-d forbid of course... d) true... we ARE not worthy... but without a beit hamikdash on har habayit in yerushalayim ir hakodesh we will NEVER ever become worthy... the evil-inclination... the yatzer hara... the satan... are just too powerful within us and within the world today... e) and besides... truth be known... we are not waiting for moshiach... moshiach is waiting for US to do something dramatic and bold to deserve his advent... we cannot just sit back and gut it out and wait for him... G-d will only send him in one of two ways... if we are past being redeemed and then only because He promised us but with horrific upheavals and terrible suffering for all of the world's inhabitants... or if we become worthy by doing great deeds (like endeavoring to build the third temple) which demonstrate awesome acts and levels of faith and trust in G-d then he will come amid great joy and liberation... f) we already face ww3 if we go to war with iran... and with the muslim brotherhood takeover of egypt we see the proverbial "writing on the wall..." that the entire region may very soon be plunged into and engulfed in all-out warfare any day now... again G-d forfend... and finally... g) when doesn't the entire muslim world go nuts at the drop of a hat...? they are a sick and twisted barbaric population... they will find any excuse to froth at the mouth as we have witnessed so often... but things like nuking mecca and medina and taking down those 2 abominations on har habayit will only declare and prove allah's impotence and non-existence and thus finally get them to give up their jihad for world conquest and islamic domination... for if allah cannot protect his own "holy" places how can he ever secure their ultimate victory over christianity and judaism...? in waging war against them we can kill a billion of them and they will all still keep on coming... convinced that they are winning... assured that all of them are "holy" martyrs for the cause... listen... they have never even conceded defeat from the era of the crusades... so they will never back down and relinquish their view of world history... they will never stop... not unless we end islam by defeating allah and decisively demonstrating he is a non-entity with the bombing of the kabah in mecca and the prophet muhamid's gravesite in medina and the removal of the two mosques in jerusalem... it's the only way... and it is high time the world recognizes that this is not a war of civilizations or a battle for superior geo-political positioning... but a war of religions... of "my god is greater than yours..." and among the few remaining entities in the world who will not admit to the truth of this reality are the two most important components in the dire fight for the survival of freedom and liberty of the planet against these gathering forces of darkness and evil... and they are the american and israeli governments... think about this long and hard and u will see that this is the only way forward... the only path for freedom-loving peoples everywhere to prevail here... next we will discuss from the torah's perspective the potential impediments to rebuilding the temple right now and all along the time period of the last almost 50 yrs now after the 6-day war of 1967... more to follow... mosh.out... Like · · Share Moshe Parry October 31 folks part three is complicated... i will get it out to u as soon as i can... hopefully later tonite or if not perhaps tomorrow... bear with me and stay tuned...
this is part one... revised and extended remarks... please read again for new insight... "we're all being taken to the cleaners..." the world is fast becoming mindless... completely zombified... soul-rot techno music and abject craven materialism without any spiritual content remaining... the digital microchip technology explosion (all the industries) of the last 20 yrs or so has not advanced man internally ~ only outwardly... and has only increased his arrogance and ego-centrificness... and this time around there will be no revolution to pull mankind back from the brink ~ from the abyss... no... not this time... for this time (G-d forbid) man will crash and burn in a nuclear holocaust ignited by the elite slime who arrogate to themselves hegemony and control over the planet... they consider themselves masters of the universe and not G-d... they are convinced that they are the true owners and not the Creator... in fact... they do not even hold that G-d is the real creator... they all worship lucifer and sirius ~ the dog-star he calls home... they claim he (it) is the absolute ruler of the earth... "the lightbringer" and that our G-d ~ Hashem is chalilah the lord of darkness... the god of destruction i.e. the mabul (the great flood or deluge in noach's time)... and the toppler of the great tower of bavel right afterward under king nimrod's direction in the initial post-deluvian age... He was all this but mankind deserved those punishments and G-d is more than just this side of life... HE is the true lightbringer and G-d of goodness... He does both like we all acknowledge in the famous "shema yisroel" prayer... "Hear o' israel... G-d is our G-d... G-d is one..." meaning He brings both reward and punishment to man... He is the complete master of light and darkness... He and He alone brings war and makes peace... Hashem slays and brings to life... etc... and further... there is no getting thru to the myriads of sheep out there throughout the whole wide world that they are all being had... having the proverbial "wool pulled over our eyes..." and unbeknownst to these unwashed masses of humanity is the fact that they are all being manipulated like lemmings to hurtle themselves over the all-too quickly approaching precipice... i consider my age group... our generation... (i am 56)... to be the last generation of free men and women... for the kids of today... anyone under 35 give or take... are almost entirely helpless and hapless mind-controlled slaves plugged into a system not unlike "the matrix..." which has them locked into a paradigm-shift leading inexorably to their own self-destruction... a system which appears to them.... and they are utterly certain of this... as a beacon to a bright bright future stretching out endlessly before them as far as the eye can see... when the actual reality could not be further from the truth... indeed their true prospects couldn't be bleaker... for in the age of digitalization... during this wireless-frenzy process we have sold-out and short-circuted our G-d-given birthright of freedom of the soul in exchange for the glitter and glamour of the handheld pod... the neon lights with all their accompanying bells and whistles have got us all enthralled... we can't take our eyes off of the damn gadgets for a second even while walking down the street... for crying out loud the hopelssly addicted out there can't even stop while driving in their cars... and the choices of our enslavement and methods of our bondage are dazzling... the i-pod... the i-phone... the i-pad... et al... in all of their varieties: colors, shapes and forms... (and price ranges don't forget for a minute the status surrounding the level of cost).... and make no mistake about it... there was no accident involved in the naming all of these devices with the prefix "i" because that is what they all represent... the i... the ego... the me, my and mine generation on steroids and run amok... i mean i have seen kids break their brand new devices claiming an accident because something newer and cooler has just emerged onto the scene... a whole segment of life that becomes obsolete the second u purchase it and even before u turn around from the counter and leave the store... and so as today's youth streak willy-nilly toward oblivion... the rest of us fortunate enough not to have been born into generation x... (and truth be known i finally understand what the "x" stands for... the eXtinction of critical thought, conscience and spiritual concepts and values)... and despite our being viewed as neanderthals in the eyes of these younguns... we are the sole remaing hope for the denizens of the world... but collectively we have no vision nor any consistent thought pattern to put forward to win over these misguided and inexperienced youth so clueless as to the real value and essence of life... somehow we must awaken our eventual successors before it is too late and they are put into a far worse state of slumber than the actual sleep of death... but what can we possibly tell them that will get thru to them... about G-d...? about life and liberty...? what are the right phrases that will make them see the light...? what possible combination of words could we put into writing or speak out in speech that would snap them out of the trance they've been transfixed into...? which would cast them out from the spell under which they have been induced...? a subject such as 'redemption' seem so remote... so distant from the inner-core of their lives... but the geulah is exactly what we all so desperately need... and it cannot come a second too soon... but there are things that WE all need to do to make it or allow it to happen... this lost generation coming up behind us (not that ours is so much more 'found' than theirs... just less entangled and far far less enchained and imprisoned)... looks up to us for leadership and in truth we do still retain the concept and the ideal of freedom, conviction and courage even if it is by now mostly subsumed within us... relegated to the recesses of our minds just laying dormant there for so long within our vast subconscious... yet the idea still breathes within us at our core that man was created by G-d for something greater, higher and more gallant than a mere subsistence-level over-chemicalized existence replete with mindless soul-numbing non-stop entertainment of mental distraction... that we are here for something far better than the purposeless meandering from one latest hot fad and then onto the next... that indeed we were given life by G-d to accomplish something special and significant for Him during the "120 yrs" He grants us in this lifetime and to become something more than just glorified cows grazing in the grass... to achieve something meaningful and elevated above all of the futility and vapidness surrounding us in the environs of our world as we know it presently and have known it for centuries now... there must be SOMETHING we can still do... G-d knows i've racked my brain for nearly 20 yrs to find an answer... to discover a path that leads us all out of this madness... away from all of this sheer insanity... leading us back to a semblance of human growth and development... of course torah is the answer... but which part of it to emphasize...? which area would be best to explore...? and i haven't had the foggiest... all of these yrs... i mean... all of it is great... all of it is vital and crucial for mankind's survival... that is... if we are to survive at all... but just the other day it occured to me that there is one avenue of approach that appeals to me as the right way to go... that i feel has at least a modicum of a chance to break thru the impediment in man's consciousness... that gives us a hope for transformation of people far and wide on a large enough scale to make a real impact... to make a real difference in all of our lives... to turn the tide back the other way again... toward purity, kindness, morality and above all... TRUTH... as our sages say... "the seal of G-d is truth... and to this end... in order to be able to wage this battle victoriously i declare there must be a 3rd temple (a beit hamikdash) in jerusalem (yerushalayim) standing upon the temple mount (on har habayit where once stood two former ones 2000 and 2500 yrs ago) and they must replace the two mosques there which have only stood for the past 1300 yrs or so and part of that time one or both of them was used as a church when the crusaders occupied that sacred space (the place not the mosques)... and so there must rise now our 3rd and final... eternal temple complete with the renewal and restoration of the twice and sometimes thrice daily sacrifical service (the avodah)... this and only this can save the world from perdition... from mutually-assured self-destruction.... only a monumental seismic event of this magnitude can break thru the log-jam in mankind's mindset and outlook upon life and only thus can we pull back from the point and moment of self-inflicted suicidal extinction... only within this framework... within the context of a worldwide campaign and ardent endeavor to see the 3rd temple come to fruition does there rest the potential to shake the earth down to its foundation and awaken and resucitate a near-corpse of deathly-hue and fast-decomposition... an all but spiritually-moribund humanity and set it aright again and upon its feet and lead them out upon their proper course... the path the one G-d has always intended for mankind... and so before we all implode we must embark together upon this lifesaving life-affirming mission... join me in our quest for salvation... thanks for reading (listening) (again)... more to follow... mosh.out...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The New Moses discusses realistic Jewish defense on TrentoVision.TV and live radio in South Florida

Listen to me on WNN-AM radio 1470 in Boca Raton on Wednesday 21 November 2012 discussing standing-up against anti-Zionist demonstrators.  The program will be replayed on at 8pm. Stream the video live anytime on TrentoVision.TV.

I will be publishing more after the holiday. Keep in touch by entering your email address in the right margin.  "Friend" me up on Facebook.  Stick-up for the Army of Hashem, the Israel Defense Forces.  Chazak v'amatz, Rabbi Moshe Parry.

Israeli-Americans join American Zionists in confronting their accusers, Islamst/Marxist antagonists; L.A. riot-squad riflemen close down major intersection to separate factions

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Point of Clarification regarding Andrew Adler of Atlanta Jewish Times matter

point of clarification... i should have stated clearly in this video... that i feel adler was mistaken to have published his article... first such incendiary controversial issues should not be aired in public like this and secondly i disagree that israel is anywhere near the dire scenario that he paints israel to currently be in...

all israel has to do to extricate herself from the threat to her existence and survival which she herself by her own actions has put herself in... is to do what rav meir kahane called for israel to do...

to take back the sinai (and since his death... now gaza as well)... annex all the territories and transfer out all the arabs from off ALL of our liberated biblical land... (inside the "green line" and beyond it)... then declare the end of oslo to the world and the sacredness of our commandment from G-d in His (our) torah to hold onto every part of it and never cede any of His holy land to any other nation or people... and then build the third temple on the temple mount... and if we show the courage that this policy would entail... the jewish people and the land of israel would be guaranteed Divine protection and G-d would immediately come to our rescue from any and all threats of war over these steps taken by sending finally our long awaited messiah (moshiach ben david)...

so this is what i should have included in my reaction to adler's op-ed piece and the subsequent over-reactionary "vomiting of him out" done to him by the pathetic so-called "american jewish leadership establishment" (sic and truly sick)...

one final point... adler's rumination was unnecessary for another crucial reason... Divine providence is our protection thruout our history... not our putting our trust in "princes of flesh and blood" and contrary to the thinking of adler and all those jewish leaders currently oppressing our people by their rulership over us... it matters not whom is president... for if we keep the torah properly as G-d commands... even our worst enemy would be made by G-d to act favorably towards us... as for example occurred after the jews repented their sins and haman's evil plot to exterminate all of then world jewry was foiled and king acheshvairosh (xerxes) no less of a jew-hater then haman (just a cleverer one who pretended to be our friend even though he discontinued our building of the second temple which the first king of persia cyrus (koresh) had desired and ordered (not just permitted or allowed) and despite the fact that he conspired with haman to genocide the children of israel though haman never mentioned us by name when he asked permission to do so and king ach was careful never to ask but he knew whom haman had in mind and was more than willing to let him try to eradicate us...

on the other hand... if we are found wanting and unworthy by G-d even "the best friend we ever had in the white house" george w... will be made to go against us as he ordered sharon and forced him to go thru with the gaza expulsion... this point too should have been made clearly in my video... that i disagree entirely with how much power any world leader actually has... as i hold by the maxim of our sages that... "lev melachim b'yad Hashem..." that "the heart of kings is in the hand of G-d..." meaning that because potentially the kings of the earth wield so much power over mankind and hold sway over huge parts of the earth... G-d removes from them a portion of their freewill that each human being has in order to control or limit their potential evil or good... limiting these to whatever He... G-d... decrees at any one time period in world history...

so adler is wrong for all these reasons... and of course should never have raised the issue in public as it was wrong philosophically as i have stated and wrong journalistically... being in very bad taste...

however i still maintain he should not have been savaged like this by the so-called american jewish leadership mafia... er... establishment... they destroyed this poor man's life just to protect their own safety and positions of security, power and influence... had adler said something proper but "scary" to these leaders... they would have reacted the same way... because all they ever do is run a loop in their collective heades of "mah yomru hagoyim...?" what will the gentiles say...?" their one and only concern is that anti-semitism shouldn't raise it's frightening specter here in the u.s. so that they are forced to flee to israel where they should be right now anyway by Divine dictate... long ago... at least from '67 on all jews should have been back in our homeland but they refuse to go and they refuse to teach jews to do so... and thus had adler uttered something just as equally frightening to them but nevertheless irrefutably correct... setting off all of their bells, whistles and alarms of all of their red-flag sensitivities that endlessly run in their heads on a loop... they would have still arisen as one en masse to destroy him... poor fellow... and just as he owes obama and all americans an apology... so too do these "leaders: owe him one as well... 'nuff said...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

American-Jewish leaders take hard-line to serve-up Atlanta Jewish Times' publisher Andy Adler out-of their own (not Judaic) self-interest

Rabbi Moshe ("New Moses") Parry condemns the heavy-handed pressures of the Jewish "establishment" to ostracize Atlanta Jewish Times' publisher, Andrew Adler, over an editorial which posits President Obama as impeding Israel's security. Rabbi Parry feels that the Jewish "establishment" in North America took a condemning rather than liberal interpretation of Mr. Adler's allegory in order to "serve Mr. Adler up" to the Administration- to distance themselves from allegations of Jewish dual-loyalism to Israel. He charges the mostly Democrat Jewish establishment prioritizes their diaspora donations from Obama supporters and perpetuation of Jews residing in the diaspora- over their primary Judaic obligations.