Rabbi Moshe Parry teaches from the writings of Rabbis Meir and Benjamin Kahane.
the new moses
Monday, June 6, 2016
Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem
Rabbi Moshe Parry teaches from the writings of Rabbis Meir and Benjamin Kahane.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
restoration of torah law as the law of the land over the people and land of israel...
vengeance is a mitzvah (a commandment from G-d to us)... the indiscriminate taking of arab lives until they leave our land is the only way to deter them from doing all of these acts of terror to us all these yrs (100+ yrs now) like the kidnapping and murder of those three teenage jewish boys this past month...
terror and murder is exactly what one calls that which the arab/muslim world has been doing to us jews all these many yrs... it is way past time that they get a good long taste of their own bitter medicine... measure for measure... mida k'neged mida is how G-d's Divine system of justice works and it is our obligation to impose it upon our land to rid ourselves of these genocidal wild beasts...
rav meir kahane said as much but he also said...
"i don't want to kill arabs... and i don't want them to kill us... but this will continue as long as they remain on our land... my idea of transfer is the most humane solution of all..." and it guarantees us no more death (once it is imposed and they are gone from the land)...
now rav meir knew it would come to some violence and killing to get some of them to leave but back in the early 90's before oslo the arabs inside israel and in the territories did not have 1/4 of the weaponry they have now thanks to peres and rabin by oslo... so now it will take alot more bloodshed to get them out but we have no other choice... they must all go or we will not survive upon our G-d-given and commanded (to live upon and in) land... G-d forfend...
terror and murder is exactly what one calls that which the arab/muslim world has been doing to us jews all these many yrs... it is way past time that they get a good long taste of their own bitter medicine... measure for measure... mida k'neged mida is how G-d's Divine system of justice works and it is our obligation to impose it upon our land to rid ourselves of these genocidal wild beasts...
rav meir kahane said as much but he also said...
"i don't want to kill arabs... and i don't want them to kill us... but this will continue as long as they remain on our land... my idea of transfer is the most humane solution of all..." and it guarantees us no more death (once it is imposed and they are gone from the land)...
now rav meir knew it would come to some violence and killing to get some of them to leave but back in the early 90's before oslo the arabs inside israel and in the territories did not have 1/4 of the weaponry they have now thanks to peres and rabin by oslo... so now it will take alot more bloodshed to get them out but we have no other choice... they must all go or we will not survive upon our G-d-given and commanded (to live upon and in) land... G-d forfend...
- Moshe Parry another totally failed policy is the one that says we cannot execute terrorists... rav meir said that this only enables them to attack us with impunity even more knowing they would all only go to jail til the next soldiers were kidnapped and then they'll all get released... this absurd and obscene policy is also killing us and every jew on the planet who supports it is a murderer right along with the arabs... they are shedders of jewish blood...
- Moshe Parry rav meir said any terrorist caught should be extracted of all relevant info to help us defend ourselves and then they should be summarily dispatched with a bullet in their head on the spot no trials military or any other and certainly no prison time...
- Moshe Parry i don't believe any jews actually did this... burned an arab teen to death... either the arabs did this to accuse us or the israeli govt needed to manufacture a jewish atrocity to counter the arab one to free them from having to take vengeance as is the will of the jewish people... i do not believe this is really a jewish premeditated crime... they are being used as fall guys one way or the other...
torah morality... Hashem's torah code is far different than western democracy's...
we have from G-d the concept of collective punishment as a means of deterrent and a just mode of justice AND mandated vengeance for the desecration of G-d's name that a gentile's slaying of a jew represents as well as the correctness of avenging the innocent spilled blood of our fellow jew especially on the sacred soil of the holy land of israel which has an even further special law of cleansing the land of israel of innocent jewish blood by murderers even if they are jews and even if said killing was an accident and then the jew must relocate to a city of refuge which if he/she refuses to go to or if once there they leave for any reason before the death of the kohen gadol ~ the high priest... they forfeit their lives as anyone who sees them outside the city limits is supposed to take their lives...
this is authentic torah-true judaism and western democracy has none of these concepts principles and laws... they consider all of the above heinous acts of barbarism violence and murder... but they fail to understand the spiritual content of these G-d-mandated mitzvot (commandments) that are therefore rendered as holy due to the simple and sole fact that G-d has comanded us to observe these stautes and thus it matters not that the world does not understand them nor grasp how they are in fact just...
we have from G-d the concept of collective punishment as a means of deterrent and a just mode of justice AND mandated vengeance for the desecration of G-d's name that a gentile's slaying of a jew represents as well as the correctness of avenging the innocent spilled blood of our fellow jew especially on the sacred soil of the holy land of israel which has an even further special law of cleansing the land of israel of innocent jewish blood by murderers even if they are jews and even if said killing was an accident and then the jew must relocate to a city of refuge which if he/she refuses to go to or if once there they leave for any reason before the death of the kohen gadol ~ the high priest... they forfeit their lives as anyone who sees them outside the city limits is supposed to take their lives...
this is authentic torah-true judaism and western democracy has none of these concepts principles and laws... they consider all of the above heinous acts of barbarism violence and murder... but they fail to understand the spiritual content of these G-d-mandated mitzvot (commandments) that are therefore rendered as holy due to the simple and sole fact that G-d has comanded us to observe these stautes and thus it matters not that the world does not understand them nor grasp how they are in fact just...
it is long past the time for k'lal yisroel (the jewish people and nation) to finally admit the truth we've been avoiding facing up to for so long... that rav meir kahane and his son binyamin were right and we were all wrong about the threat that they foresaw coming to our land endangering our very lives... that we missed understanding the danger that these murderous vipers posed... and it is way overdue for us to finally acknowledge that it is we who must now do tshuvah (repent) for the sin of disregarding their message and for not heeding their clarion call to the hard and difficult actions that we should have taken to fight this scourge of jew-hatred and murder long long before it ever reached to this point and stage of being now totally out of control...
further... it is now so obvious that we have been thoroughly misled by all of world jewry's so-called establishment jewish leadership... clergy and laity ...in the land of israel and outside of it... as to the true nature and character of the quality of soul of our two lost rabbis kahane and the accuracy of their dire warnings of doom delivered to us which put them both way way ahead of their time... they had vision and foresight and we had none... they had clarity of the situation and we were blind deaf and dumb to the dangers that lay just ahead of us in the then very near future...
and we must now realize and concur that by our opposing the kahanes' path to leadership to rescue us from the very suffering we are experiencing right now and actually all of the heartache sorrow and tragedy which we have undergone and been made to endure ever since oslo began... that the oslo death to israel process/roadmap back to auschwitz is our Divine punishment from Hashem (G-d) for our having rejected the torah as understood and taught to us by these two sacred kedoshim... these two holy martyrs... who endeavored until their last breath taken and to their very last drop of lifeblood shed to warn us of the error of our ways and we ignored their pleas at the extreme peril to our survival as a nation people and country...
and now if we wish to make amends we must all declare that kahane tzadak!!! (kahane was right!!!) and come to the proper conclusion al pi torah according to the torah that torah itself mandates for the desecration of G-d's honor and of our own that we must immediately go to all out war... and so all we are saying is give war a chance... give the war of obligation... of mitzvah... that Hashem commands us a chance to save us like it did back in '67... and with real faith and trust in G-d that this is His true will and that this is what He really wants from us and that if we show the courage to do so and to believe He is vastly superior to all of our enemies and despite all our many sins against Him of late... that despite it all if we will rise up and act... Hashem will yet be with us and He will grant us salvation and victory... amen... kain yehi retzon...
further... it is now so obvious that we have been thoroughly misled by all of world jewry's so-called establishment jewish leadership... clergy and laity ...in the land of israel and outside of it... as to the true nature and character of the quality of soul of our two lost rabbis kahane and the accuracy of their dire warnings of doom delivered to us which put them both way way ahead of their time... they had vision and foresight and we had none... they had clarity of the situation and we were blind deaf and dumb to the dangers that lay just ahead of us in the then very near future...
and we must now realize and concur that by our opposing the kahanes' path to leadership to rescue us from the very suffering we are experiencing right now and actually all of the heartache sorrow and tragedy which we have undergone and been made to endure ever since oslo began... that the oslo death to israel process/roadmap back to auschwitz is our Divine punishment from Hashem (G-d) for our having rejected the torah as understood and taught to us by these two sacred kedoshim... these two holy martyrs... who endeavored until their last breath taken and to their very last drop of lifeblood shed to warn us of the error of our ways and we ignored their pleas at the extreme peril to our survival as a nation people and country...
and now if we wish to make amends we must all declare that kahane tzadak!!! (kahane was right!!!) and come to the proper conclusion al pi torah according to the torah that torah itself mandates for the desecration of G-d's honor and of our own that we must immediately go to all out war... and so all we are saying is give war a chance... give the war of obligation... of mitzvah... that Hashem commands us a chance to save us like it did back in '67... and with real faith and trust in G-d that this is His true will and that this is what He really wants from us and that if we show the courage to do so and to believe He is vastly superior to all of our enemies and despite all our many sins against Him of late... that despite it all if we will rise up and act... Hashem will yet be with us and He will grant us salvation and victory... amen... kain yehi retzon...
every jew on the planet should read this excerpt from the one jew in the world who saw all of this coming back in the 1980's...
Rabbi Meir Kahane
The Jewish Idea (Or Hara’ayon)
REVENGE (Excerpts)
Love has its place, and so does hate. Peace has its place, as does war. Mercy has its place, as do cruelty and revenge. The Torah dons sackcloth over the distortion of the concept of revenge, which has become a target for the arrows of all Jewish Hellenists and worshippers of the alien culture, as if revenge were negative and evil by nature.
The very opposite is true! No trait is more justified than revenge in the right time and place. G-d, Himself, is called Nokem, Avenger. “The L-rd is a zealous and avenging G-d. The L-rd avenges and is full of wrath. He takes revenge on His adversaries and reserves wrath for His enemies” (Nachum 1:2). Our sages also said (Berachot 33a), “Shall we say that even revenge is great because it appears between two names of G-d? ‘A G-d of vengeance is the L-rd’ (Ps. 94:1). R. Elazar
responded, “Indeed. Where revenge is necessary, it is a great thing” (see Rashi)
“It is a great thing!” It is a great mitzvah to take the revenge of the righteous and humble from the evildoer. Whoever forgoes or rejects such an opportunity is cruel, and he denies belief in G-d. As King David said (Ps. 58:11-12):
The righteous man shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. Men shall say, “Verily there is a reward for the righteous. Verily there is a G-d Who judges on earth.”
The victory of injustice and wickedness is ostensible proof of G-d’s’s absence from the world, and there is no greater profanation of G-d’s name . By contrast,
G-d’s victory and revenge over His enemies, the evildoers, prove to the world that “verily there is a G-d Who judges on earth!” (Ps 58:12).
“Moses yearned.” He did not merely wish or hope, but he yearned. The righteous yearn to see revenge against the evil, for it proves that “there is a G-d Who judges on earth.”
By contrast, whoever relents from revenge against Israel’s enemies is actually giving up on avenging G-d for whoever attacks the people of Israel is actually attacking the G-d of Israel by showing that he does not fear Divine retribution. Our sage said (Sifri, Matot 157):
“The L-rd spoke to Moses saying, ‘Take revenge for the Children of Israel against the Midianites’…Moses spoke to the people saying, ‘Detach men for armed service against Midian, so that the L-rd’s revenge can be taken against the Midianites” (Num. 31:1-3): This is in praise of the righteous. They do not depart from the world until they take revenge on behalf of Israel, which is the revenge of Him Who brought the world into being.
G-d told Moses to take revenge “for the children of Israel,” and Moses called it
“G-d’s revenge,” to inform us that the two are the same.
Certainly, revenge against one’s fellow Jew is a negative thing, since one’s animosity is just personal and our sages preached indulgence in such cases. Although G-d does take revenge against Jews who rebel and deny His existence.
Consider what a lack of love and friendship there is in the heart of the Jewish Hellenist who rebels against the G-d of Israel and His morality, who ventures to be more “ethical” and righteous than his Creator!
Whoever knows that Jewish blood has been spilt and is aware of the pain and suffering caused to his Jewish brethren by cruel gentiles, yet does not demand that their blood and suffering be avenged is himself wicked and cruel. He lacks the anger and hatred toward wickedness and cruelty which are part of G-d’s command to “love your {Jewish} neighbor as yourself.” Whoever criticizes such revenge is not ethical or merciful, but a cruel ally of murderers. The Midrash (Kohelet Rabbah 8:4; Bereshit Rabbah 55:3) states:
The king’s word has power” (Eccles8:4): Israel said before G-d,’ Master of the Universe! You wrote in Your Torah, ‘Do not take revenge nor bear a grudge’ (Lev.19:18), yet You take revenge and bear grudges, as it says: ‘The L-rd takes vengeance’ (Nachum 1:2)”…G-d said to Israel,
“I wrote in the Torah, “Do not take revenge nor bear a grudge against the children of your people,’ but I take revenge and bear grudges against the nations, as in, ‘Avenge the Children of Israel (Num.31:2), thereby fulfilling, “The king’s world has power.”
G-d will go forth to avenge His great name, profaned among the nations, and to avenge the Jewish People, through whose humiliation and distress at the hands of the nations His name was profaned. At that time of redemption. He will awaken, so to speak, like one who recovers from drunkenness (Ps78:65). “Then the L-rd will awaken as one asleep, like a mighty man recovering from wine.”
Rabbi Meir Kahane
The Jewish Idea (Or Hara’ayon)
REVENGE (Excerpts)
Love has its place, and so does hate. Peace has its place, as does war. Mercy has its place, as do cruelty and revenge. The Torah dons sackcloth over the distortion of the concept of revenge, which has become a target for the arrows of all Jewish Hellenists and worshippers of the alien culture, as if revenge were negative and evil by nature.
The very opposite is true! No trait is more justified than revenge in the right time and place. G-d, Himself, is called Nokem, Avenger. “The L-rd is a zealous and avenging G-d. The L-rd avenges and is full of wrath. He takes revenge on His adversaries and reserves wrath for His enemies” (Nachum 1:2). Our sages also said (Berachot 33a), “Shall we say that even revenge is great because it appears between two names of G-d? ‘A G-d of vengeance is the L-rd’ (Ps. 94:1). R. Elazar
responded, “Indeed. Where revenge is necessary, it is a great thing” (see Rashi)
“It is a great thing!” It is a great mitzvah to take the revenge of the righteous and humble from the evildoer. Whoever forgoes or rejects such an opportunity is cruel, and he denies belief in G-d. As King David said (Ps. 58:11-12):
The righteous man shall rejoice when he sees the vengeance. He shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. Men shall say, “Verily there is a reward for the righteous. Verily there is a G-d Who judges on earth.”
The victory of injustice and wickedness is ostensible proof of G-d’s’s absence from the world, and there is no greater profanation of G-d’s name . By contrast,
G-d’s victory and revenge over His enemies, the evildoers, prove to the world that “verily there is a G-d Who judges on earth!” (Ps 58:12).
“Moses yearned.” He did not merely wish or hope, but he yearned. The righteous yearn to see revenge against the evil, for it proves that “there is a G-d Who judges on earth.”
By contrast, whoever relents from revenge against Israel’s enemies is actually giving up on avenging G-d for whoever attacks the people of Israel is actually attacking the G-d of Israel by showing that he does not fear Divine retribution. Our sage said (Sifri, Matot 157):
“The L-rd spoke to Moses saying, ‘Take revenge for the Children of Israel against the Midianites’…Moses spoke to the people saying, ‘Detach men for armed service against Midian, so that the L-rd’s revenge can be taken against the Midianites” (Num. 31:1-3): This is in praise of the righteous. They do not depart from the world until they take revenge on behalf of Israel, which is the revenge of Him Who brought the world into being.
G-d told Moses to take revenge “for the children of Israel,” and Moses called it
“G-d’s revenge,” to inform us that the two are the same.
Certainly, revenge against one’s fellow Jew is a negative thing, since one’s animosity is just personal and our sages preached indulgence in such cases. Although G-d does take revenge against Jews who rebel and deny His existence.
Consider what a lack of love and friendship there is in the heart of the Jewish Hellenist who rebels against the G-d of Israel and His morality, who ventures to be more “ethical” and righteous than his Creator!
Whoever knows that Jewish blood has been spilt and is aware of the pain and suffering caused to his Jewish brethren by cruel gentiles, yet does not demand that their blood and suffering be avenged is himself wicked and cruel. He lacks the anger and hatred toward wickedness and cruelty which are part of G-d’s command to “love your {Jewish} neighbor as yourself.” Whoever criticizes such revenge is not ethical or merciful, but a cruel ally of murderers. The Midrash (Kohelet Rabbah 8:4; Bereshit Rabbah 55:3) states:
The king’s word has power” (Eccles8:4): Israel said before G-d,’ Master of the Universe! You wrote in Your Torah, ‘Do not take revenge nor bear a grudge’ (Lev.19:18), yet You take revenge and bear grudges, as it says: ‘The L-rd takes vengeance’ (Nachum 1:2)”…G-d said to Israel,
“I wrote in the Torah, “Do not take revenge nor bear a grudge against the children of your people,’ but I take revenge and bear grudges against the nations, as in, ‘Avenge the Children of Israel (Num.31:2), thereby fulfilling, “The king’s world has power.”
G-d will go forth to avenge His great name, profaned among the nations, and to avenge the Jewish People, through whose humiliation and distress at the hands of the nations His name was profaned. At that time of redemption. He will awaken, so to speak, like one who recovers from drunkenness (Ps78:65). “Then the L-rd will awaken as one asleep, like a mighty man recovering from wine.”
agreed these 3 principles of our faith are inviolate... but they are not the main reason for this great tragedy... this sickness was directly caused because the jewish people as a whole in general refuse to demand of the israeli govt in particular that Hashem's torah law regarding the regulations required to be met before a gentile can be granted permission to live in Hashem's holy land must be implemented and followed to the letter and spirit of G-d's command... this and the fact that we do not enforce the laws of conquering eretz yisroel and holding every inch of it for our King and Father is the reason these 3 boys died and so we share in the blame for their murder... all of us...
it is long past the time for k'lal yisroel to finally admit the truth we've been avoiding facing up to for so long... that rav meir kahane and his son binyamin were right and we were all wrong about the threat that they foresaw coming to our land endangering our very lives... that we missed understanding the danger that these murderous vipers posed... and it is way overdue for us to finally acknowledge that it is we who must now do tshuvah for disregarding their message and for not heeding their clarion call to the hard and difficult actions that we should have taken to fight this scourge of jew-hatred and murder long long before it ever reached to this point and stage of being now totally out of control...
further... it is now so obvious that we have been thoroughly misled by all of world jewry's so-called establishment jewish leadership... clergy and laity ...in the land and outside of it... as to the true nature and character of the quality of soul of our two lost rabbis kahane and the accuracy of their dire warnings of doom delivered to us which put them both way way ahead of their time... they had vision and foresight and we had none... they had clarity of the situation and we were blind deaf and dumb to the dangers ahead...
and we must now realize and concur that by our opposing their path to leadership to rescue us from the very suffering we are experiencing right now and actually all of the heartache sorrow and tragedy which we have undergone and been made to endure ever since oslo began... that the oslo death to israel process/roadmap back to auschwitz is our Divine punishment from Hashem for our having rejected the torah as understood and taught to us by these two sacred kedoshim... these two holy martyrs... who endeavored until their last breath taken and to their last drop of lifeblood shed to warn us of the error of our ways and we ignored their pleas at the extreme peril to our survival as a nation people and country...
and now if we wish to make amends we must all declare that kahane tzadak!!! and come to the proper conclusion al pi torah according to the torah that torah itself mandates for the desecration of G-d's honor and our own that we immediately go to all out war... and so all we are saying is give war a chance... give the war of obligation... of mitzvah... that Hashem commands us a chance to save us like it did in '67... and with real faith and trust in G-d that this is His true will and that this is what He really wants from us and that if we show the courage to do so and to believe He is vastly superior to all of our enemies and despite all our many sins against Him of late... that despite it all if we will rise up and act... Hashem will yet be with us and He will grant us salvation and victory... amen... kain yehi retzon...
further... it is now so obvious that we have been thoroughly misled by all of world jewry's so-called establishment jewish leadership... clergy and laity ...in the land and outside of it... as to the true nature and character of the quality of soul of our two lost rabbis kahane and the accuracy of their dire warnings of doom delivered to us which put them both way way ahead of their time... they had vision and foresight and we had none... they had clarity of the situation and we were blind deaf and dumb to the dangers ahead...
and we must now realize and concur that by our opposing their path to leadership to rescue us from the very suffering we are experiencing right now and actually all of the heartache sorrow and tragedy which we have undergone and been made to endure ever since oslo began... that the oslo death to israel process/roadmap back to auschwitz is our Divine punishment from Hashem for our having rejected the torah as understood and taught to us by these two sacred kedoshim... these two holy martyrs... who endeavored until their last breath taken and to their last drop of lifeblood shed to warn us of the error of our ways and we ignored their pleas at the extreme peril to our survival as a nation people and country...
and now if we wish to make amends we must all declare that kahane tzadak!!! and come to the proper conclusion al pi torah according to the torah that torah itself mandates for the desecration of G-d's honor and our own that we immediately go to all out war... and so all we are saying is give war a chance... give the war of obligation... of mitzvah... that Hashem commands us a chance to save us like it did in '67... and with real faith and trust in G-d that this is His true will and that this is what He really wants from us and that if we show the courage to do so and to believe He is vastly superior to all of our enemies and despite all our many sins against Him of late... that despite it all if we will rise up and act... Hashem will yet be with us and He will grant us salvation and victory... amen... kain yehi retzon...
how many more jews must die until we understand there will never be peace with the arabs in our land and that they must all go...?
rav meir said even if they were children throwing rocks at soldiers he would as prime minister tell the idf to shoot on the first rock thrown and shoot to kill... kill enough of these animals and no more rock throwing... kill enough of them wielding knives and no more knife wielders... etc but his main answer was i don't want to kill any arabs and i don't want them to kill any jews... so the most humane answer is to separate the arabs from the jews and send them packing to any one of their 22 arab/muslim countries and we retain our sole jewish one exclusively for ourselves... no arabs ~ no terror... he also said after sending the arabs out when lone terrorists sneak back in (or in the meantime before we have the power to throw them all out... for any terrorists caught) kill all captured terrorists on the spot without trials and certainly don't incarcerate them which only serves to encourage other arabs to kidnap jews to get these scum released... extract any useful info from them by any means necessary and then simply dispatch them by putting a bullet in their heads and gendict... finished... no more terror... no more kidnappings... no more heartache and tragedy...
rav meir said even if they were children throwing rocks at soldiers he would as prime minister tell the idf to shoot on the first rock thrown and shoot to kill... kill enough of these animals and no more rock throwing... kill enough of them wielding knives and no more knife wielders... etc but his main answer was i don't want to kill any arabs and i don't want them to kill any jews... so the most humane answer is to separate the arabs from the jews and send them packing to any one of their 22 arab/muslim countries and we retain our sole jewish one exclusively for ourselves... no arabs ~ no terror... he also said after sending the arabs out when lone terrorists sneak back in (or in the meantime before we have the power to throw them all out... for any terrorists caught) kill all captured terrorists on the spot without trials and certainly don't incarcerate them which only serves to encourage other arabs to kidnap jews to get these scum released... extract any useful info from them by any means necessary and then simply dispatch them by putting a bullet in their heads and gendict... finished... no more terror... no more kidnappings... no more heartache and tragedy...
wrong goal israel... your one goal should be to clear them all out for good... no more arabs in gaza period ever again... u miss the point yet again... that's why we want your govt gone and a torah state in your place...
It's been 3 days since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge.
The operation began after Hamas refused to numerous Israeli calls to cease-fire and to stop firing rockets into Israel.
In those 3 days 548 rockets (and counting) were fired by Hamas terrorists at Israel.
The operation has one goal: to stop Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks against Israel’s civilians.
The operation began after Hamas refused to numerous Israeli calls to cease-fire and to stop firing rockets into Israel.
In those 3 days 548 rockets (and counting) were fired by Hamas terrorists at Israel.
The operation has one goal: to stop Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks against Israel’s civilians.
rav kahane said that one day we would have nightly reports on the world news about attacks on jews in israel proper from "israeli" arabs inside the green line and that they too would throw an intifada our way... well that day has finally arrived... and so we see that RAV KAHANE WAS RIGHT YET AGAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING HE EVER SAID TO US AND BECAUSE WE REJECTED HIM AND HIS LIFESAVING MESSAGE ALL OF THIS TRAGEDY AND SUFFERING HAS BEFALLEN US!!! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT!!!
well here's even more... now we see that somehow someway the israeli govt is fighting with our enemies against us as this burned arab kid allegedly killed by observant and tzioni jews is most probably an enormous lie and fraud... see for yourselves direct from my source in israel for news...
עדי ראייה למעצרים מסרו כי השוטרים אשר חלקם היו לבושי אזרחי השתמשו באלימות רבה.
אחד העצורים אף נורה וחושמל באמצעות אקדח טייזר מספר פעמים, ללא שהיה צורך בכך, מדיווח של עדי ראיה למעצר נמסר כי השוטרים ירו מאקדח טייזר 2 חיצים לעבר החשוד למרות שלא היה בכך צורך, החיצים פגעו בצווארו של החשוד, החשוד אשר נפצע מאקדח הטייזר נלקח לבית חולים טרם חקירתו.
בעת המעצר האלים, אחד הקטינים צרח להוריו "אמא, אבא, הצילו". הם נלקחו מביתם תוך אלימות רבה למרות שלא הייתה התנגדות מצידם או מבני משפחתם. על הוריהם נאסר לדבר עם התקשורת. כשעיתונאים ביקשו לראיין את אחד ההורים הוא ענה "אסור לי לדבר".
מהבחורים נשללה הזכות הבסיסית לראות עורך דין והם מוחזקים בתנאי כליאה קשים של השב"כ, תוך חקירה אינטנסיבית וקשה, עינויים פיזים ונפשיים, מניעת שינה, מאכל ושתיה ואפשרות לעשיית צרכים בכבוד.
בתחילה אמרו במשטרה ש "בחקירתם קשרו עצמם החשודים לאירוע אך לא הודו במעשה עצמו", ניסוח די תמוה מצד המשטרה. לאחר שאחד העצורים נשבר ונתן לשוטרים "הודאה", נשברו בזה אחר זה גם הקטינים האחרים והמשטרה לקחה אותם למקום הרצח כדי להוציא מהם גם "שחזור". פרט ל"הודאות" המאולצות, אין למשטרה אף ראיה שאכן קושרת את הבחורים היהודים לרצח.
what REALLY transpired during the interrogation.
Not exactly the image the media is trying to convey and spread, is it? This is from an Israeli site called KR8, Patriotic Israel.
Adding this information to the information gathered by Adina Kutznicki re: the plot all along to pin the murder on "religious extremists, settlers", and knowing that the youth were denied legal counsel on specific orders of Tsippi Livni, which is a complete violation of their human rights; this picture shows an out of control police, without any moral or legal leg to stand on; a police of pure criminality, a justice system reminiscent of the Inquisition and the KGB. We are dealing with a criminal government knowingly encouraging this blood libel, starting with Bibi and all the way down to the lowest echelon of their ranks. This injustice calls to the High Heavens. Recall that what brought down the Judgement of the Almighty on Sodom were the cries of a young girl subjected to inhumane torture. These inhumane sodomites in power in Israel today are about to receive their just desserts from the Almighty. The rockets are starting to fall on Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. I hope and pray that they reach exactly the people who deserve them, starting with Shimon Peres, and whoever cooperates with this cruel travesty of justice.
Hashem, pour your wrath upon these shameless oppressors of the Jewish People
well here's even more... now we see that somehow someway the israeli govt is fighting with our enemies against us as this burned arab kid allegedly killed by observant and tzioni jews is most probably an enormous lie and fraud... see for yourselves direct from my source in israel for news...
עדי ראייה למעצרים מסרו כי השוטרים אשר חלקם היו לבושי אזרחי השתמשו באלימות רבה.
אחד העצורים אף נורה וחושמל באמצעות אקדח טייזר מספר פעמים, ללא שהיה צורך בכך, מדיווח של עדי ראיה למעצר נמסר כי השוטרים ירו מאקדח טייזר 2 חיצים לעבר החשוד למרות שלא היה בכך צורך, החיצים פגעו בצווארו של החשוד, החשוד אשר נפצע מאקדח הטייזר נלקח לבית חולים טרם חקירתו.
בעת המעצר האלים, אחד הקטינים צרח להוריו "אמא, אבא, הצילו". הם נלקחו מביתם תוך אלימות רבה למרות שלא הייתה התנגדות מצידם או מבני משפחתם. על הוריהם נאסר לדבר עם התקשורת. כשעיתונאים ביקשו לראיין את אחד ההורים הוא ענה "אסור לי לדבר".
מהבחורים נשללה הזכות הבסיסית לראות עורך דין והם מוחזקים בתנאי כליאה קשים של השב"כ, תוך חקירה אינטנסיבית וקשה, עינויים פיזים ונפשיים, מניעת שינה, מאכל ושתיה ואפשרות לעשיית צרכים בכבוד.
בתחילה אמרו במשטרה ש "בחקירתם קשרו עצמם החשודים לאירוע אך לא הודו במעשה עצמו", ניסוח די תמוה מצד המשטרה. לאחר שאחד העצורים נשבר ונתן לשוטרים "הודאה", נשברו בזה אחר זה גם הקטינים האחרים והמשטרה לקחה אותם למקום הרצח כדי להוציא מהם גם "שחזור". פרט ל"הודאות" המאולצות, אין למשטרה אף ראיה שאכן קושרת את הבחורים היהודים לרצח.
what REALLY transpired during the interrogation.
Not exactly the image the media is trying to convey and spread, is it? This is from an Israeli site called KR8, Patriotic Israel.
Adding this information to the information gathered by Adina Kutznicki re: the plot all along to pin the murder on "religious extremists, settlers", and knowing that the youth were denied legal counsel on specific orders of Tsippi Livni, which is a complete violation of their human rights; this picture shows an out of control police, without any moral or legal leg to stand on; a police of pure criminality, a justice system reminiscent of the Inquisition and the KGB. We are dealing with a criminal government knowingly encouraging this blood libel, starting with Bibi and all the way down to the lowest echelon of their ranks. This injustice calls to the High Heavens. Recall that what brought down the Judgement of the Almighty on Sodom were the cries of a young girl subjected to inhumane torture. These inhumane sodomites in power in Israel today are about to receive their just desserts from the Almighty. The rockets are starting to fall on Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. I hope and pray that they reach exactly the people who deserve them, starting with Shimon Peres, and whoever cooperates with this cruel travesty of justice.
Hashem, pour your wrath upon these shameless oppressors of the Jewish People
how many more jews must die until we understand there will never be peace with the arabs in our land and that they must all go...?
rav meir said even if they were children throwing rocks at soldiers he would as prime minister tell the idf to shoot on the first rock thrown and shoot to kill... kill enough of these animals and no more rock throwing... kill enough of them wielding knives and no more knife wielders... etc but his main answer was i don't want to kill any arabs and i don't want them to kill any jews... so the most humane answer is to separate the arabs from the jews and send them packing to any one of their 22 arab/muslim countries and we retain our sole jewish one exclusively for ourselves... no arabs ~ no terror... he also said after sending the arabs out when lone terrorists sneak back in (or in the meantime before we have the power to throw them all out... for any terrorists caught) kill all captured terrorists on the spot without trials and certainly don't incarcerate them which only serves to encourage other arabs to kidnap jews to get these scum released... extract any useful info from them by any means necessary and then simply dispatch them by putting a bullet in their heads and gendict... finished... no more terror... no more kidnappings... no more heartache and tragedy...
Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher who died 114 years ago, said "Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird" ("He who fights with monsters would do well to ensure that he does not thereby become a monster"). Do you agree? Or is it time for us to become monsters in order to defeat the monsters?
still waiting for the mandatory war that Hashem demands we go to over these acts of war against us... we are all sinners against Hashem and lack any and all derech eretz toward each other... the life of a single jew comes before the lives of all of the arabs on the planet but we do not accept this principle so we are nothing but a nation of machaley Hashem and His torah...
More rocket launchings against Israel just now. Red alert sirens go off in Sderot, Sdot haNegev, Kibbutz Saad, Kibbutz Alumim, Nachal Oz, ....
"missiles shmissiles" shimon parasite once uttered... now u see the great damage they can cause... had they been jews instead of metal objects u know the result... while the vulture peres goes around the world collecting accolades and meaningless awards he leaves his country and people in ashes and mourning due to the death process he's brought us which is the real reason he is knighted and feted by the jew hating slime of the world...
shimon parasite is also infamous for a statement he made back in '96 while prime minister before bibi won for the first time... there was a suicide bomb on a bus in jerusalem that was clearly heard and felt by peres in his office that clearly showed the lie that oslo really always was and still is... he looked up from what he was doing and siad: "i know that was a terrorist bombing we will deal with that later... right now it's 11:30 (am) and it's time for french poetry..." and with that he looked back down at the book he held in his hand and continued reading... sort of "my pet goat" on steroids!!!
here u go all u bleeding heart jewish liberals... this is what all your energy and support for the liberation of blacks in south africa has accomplished for israel... yet another anti israel jew hating country in the world... a job well done... hope you're proud of yourselves because the rest of us are ashamed and chagrined that u are a part of our people and nation...
but you're absolutely correct... call us whatever u want... who cares about your twisted and diseased jew-hating opinion...? strike hard... strike fast... strike first is israel's key to victory along with true faith and trust in the Al-mighty...
restoration of torah law as the sole and exclusive law of the land of israel is the only answer for israel and the jewish people...
1) a torah law that demands of us to vow vengeance for atrocities committed against even a single jew anywhere in the world harmed because he/she is a jew... and hence a member of Hashem's holy chosen people...
as shimshon (samson) once stated about revenge...
"as they (the plishtim ~philisitines) have done to me so too have i done (back) to them... (shoftim ~ judges 15:11)...
or as we see in bemidbar ~ numbers 31 G-d commanded Moshe to send the people forth to avenge themselves on midyan who had plotted against them to get them to sin with idolatry and immorality so as to get G-d to wipe them out in a plague... a plague which took 24,000 and would have taken more but for pinchus rising up and slaying wanton promiscuous sinners to stay the plague and quiet Hashem's punishing anger and burning wrath... (bemidbar ~ numbers 25...
2) a torah law that mandates that we go to all-out war to combat assaults on even one of israel's jewish citizens by nations who seek to murder us and steal our land from us...
as when the king of arad came to war with the jewish people in the desert and was only able to take hostage a single maidservant and yet b'nai yisroel went to all-out war to get her back... (bemidbar ~ numbers 21)...
3) a torah law that commands us to conquer our land fully... annex it and remove from its borders all gentiles who were on the land (or whose parents and grandparents were) from before we began to come home 100+ yrs ago now to reclaim our G-d-given heritage and inheritance...
as it says in bemidbar ~number 33:50-56...
"Hashem spoke to to moshe in the plains of moav by the yarden (jordan river) ay yericho (jericho) saying... speak to the children of israel and say to them... when u cross theyarden to the land of canaan u shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land before u... and u shall destroy all their prostration stones all their molten images shall u destroy... and all their high places shall u demolish... u shall possess the land and u shall settle in it (not a promise or a right but a command and an obligation)... for to u have I given the land to possess it... u shall give the land as an inheritance by lot to your families... to the many u shall increase its inheritance and to the few shall u decrease its inheritance... wherever its lot shall fall his shallit be according to the tribes of your fathers shall u inherit...BUT... if u do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before u those whom u leave shall be pins in your eyes and thorns in your sides and they will harras u upon the land in which u dwell... AND... it shall be that what I had meant (intended) to do to them I shall do to u..."
in other words... G-d knowing full-well that any people we find residing on our land before we get there to conquer it or twice later in history when we came to reclaim it and take it back over... G-d knew that they will hate us forever and always resent us and consider us thieves of their land... so He commanded us that we must not make any covenant or treaty with these inhabitants be they canaanim or arabs... and ordered us to drive them from the land... killing whoever will not go quietly and willingly... this is torah law not our own man-made code... this is what G-d has commanded us to do with the land He gave us and instructed us to live in and keep the torah in...
4) a torah law that does not abide the spilling of "clean" or innocent jewish blood on the sacred soil of eretz yisroel... demanding justice and the cleansing of this innocent blood that defiles and renders impure the ground of our homeland even if a jew does the killing and even if he/she does so only by accident... and all the more so if a filthy jew-hater does it with barbaric pagan bloodthirsty motivations...
as it states in vayikra ~ leviticus 19:16...
5) a torah law that declares a jew must not stand idly by the blood being spilled of his fellow jew without rushing to his/her rescue and once done must avenge it like shimon and levi did when their sister dina was kidnapped and raped... they said... "shall they treat our sister as a whore...?"
from bereshit ~ genesis 34:31...
6) a torah law that clearly and unequivocally commands that no gentiles are to be permitted to dwell inside G-d's holy land who...
a) do not recognize Him as the sovereign of the universe and all of the earth... especially so over eretz hakodesh... eretz yisroel... the holy land...
b) do not recognize and acknowledge that G-d gave the land to His chosen people yisroel... and who do not embrace this idea by submitting to the dictates of the jewish people's torah law to...
c) renounce all idolatry and to accept all the other 7 laws of noach... the universal laws of mankind as commanded to all of mankind for all of human history by G-d at the very time of our receiving the torah on har sinai (mt sinai) from Him...
d) and finally in their submission to the jewish people as G-d's chosen masters over this special sacred land they refuse to lay down their political rights and receive only personal or civil rights... voting or sitting in official capacity of rulership not being one of these civil rights...
and so if they are not willing to accept any one of all of the above or in addition one of the final two conditions for a gentile residing with us in the land... these 2 last conditions being...
e) taxation or tribute
f) service or avoda...
all gentiles who refuse even one of these tenets have to be made forcibly to leave the land or they forfeit their lives if they instead choose to stand and fight us over their staying... all the more so do they die if they hate us and wish to destroy us and our nation and homeland and have actually already attacked us and made war upon us even 1 arrow or 1 rock or a single bomb or gunshot... then they must all go because for that particular nation as a whole it is now forbidden for us to even give them a chance to submit to these conditions for gentiles remaining upon the land with us... and if they resist our forcing them out then it becomes a mandatory (commandment from G-d) to war against them and do so to the death to drive them out...
this is true torah judaism... the authentic law of G-d... and nothing else is true torah... and any jew who denies this though he even be the chief rabbi of the state of israel is either gravely mistaken and in maximal error or is a coward and a traitor being too afraid to speak the truth and stand up for the precious word of G-d...
see rambam ~ maimonides ~ hilchot melachim ~ laws of kings chapter 10 whole chapter for proper overview of the din of goyim... the law of the gentile residing in eretz yisroel...
shimon parasite is also infamous for a statement he made back in '96 while prime minister before bibi won for the first time... there was a suicide bomb on a bus in jerusalem that was clearly heard and felt by peres in his office that clearly showed the lie that oslo really always was and still is... he looked up from what he was doing and siad: "i know that was a terrorist bombing we will deal with that later... right now it's 11:30 (am) and it's time for french poetry..." and with that he looked back down at the book he held in his hand and continued reading... sort of "my pet goat" on steroids!!!
here u go all u bleeding heart jewish liberals... this is what all your energy and support for the liberation of blacks in south africa has accomplished for israel... yet another anti israel jew hating country in the world... a job well done... hope you're proud of yourselves because the rest of us are ashamed and chagrined that u are a part of our people and nation...
but you're absolutely correct... call us whatever u want... who cares about your twisted and diseased jew-hating opinion...? strike hard... strike fast... strike first is israel's key to victory along with true faith and trust in the Al-mighty...
wrong goal israel... your one goal should be to clear them all out for good... no more arabs in gaza period ever again... u miss the point yet again... that's why we want your govt gone and a torah state in your place...
It's been 3 days since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge.
The operation began after Hamas refused to numerous Israeli calls to cease-fire and to stop firing rockets into Israel.
In those 3 days 548 rockets (and counting) were fired by Hamas terrorists at Israel.
The operation has one goal: to stop Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks against Israel’s civilians.
The operation began after Hamas refused to numerous Israeli calls to cease-fire and to stop firing rockets into Israel.
In those 3 days 548 rockets (and counting) were fired by Hamas terrorists at Israel.
The operation has one goal: to stop Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks against Israel’s civilians.
why is any arab still breathing in gaza?
the isr govt that leaves these vermin walking around above ground are murderers of jews and destroyers of the jewish state right along with the arab refuse...
the isr govt that leaves these vermin walking around above ground are murderers of jews and destroyers of the jewish state right along with the arab refuse...
Just moments ago, rocket slams into the Eshkol region making a direct hit on a home. The family took shelter in their safe-room bomb shelter and survived the attack because of this. Thank G-d!
ok here u all go... like i said though this rabbi is orthodox he does not know real torah values and concepts... over the issue of goyim in eretz yisroel... here is the full law... which addresses the mitzvah the commandment to avenge jewish lives lost to terror...
restoration of torah law as the sole and exclusive law of the land of israel is the only answer for israel and the jewish people...
1) a torah law that demands of us to vow vengeance for atrocities committed against even a single jew anywhere in the world harmed because he/she is a jew... and hence a member of Hashem's holy chosen people...
as shimshon (samson) once stated about revenge...
"as they (the plishtim ~philisitines) have done to me so too have i done (back) to them... (shoftim ~ judges 15:11)...
or as we see in bemidbar ~ numbers 31 G-d commanded Moshe to send the people forth to avenge themselves on midyan who had plotted against them to get them to sin with idolatry and immorality so as to get G-d to wipe them out in a plague... a plague which took 24,000 and would have taken more but for pinchus rising up and slaying wanton promiscuous sinners to stay the plague and quiet Hashem's punishing anger and burning wrath... (bemidbar ~ numbers 25...
2) a torah law that mandates that we go to all-out war to combat assaults on even one of israel's jewish citizens by nations who seek to murder us and steal our land from us...
as when the king of arad came to war with the jewish people in the desert and was only able to take hostage a single maidservant and yet b'nai yisroel went to all-out war to get her back... (bemidbar ~ numbers 21)...
3) a torah law that commands us to conquer our land fully... annex it and remove from its borders all gentiles who were on the land (or whose parents and grandparents were) from before we began to come home 100+ yrs ago now to reclaim our G-d-given heritage and inheritance...
as it says in bemidbar ~number 33:50-56...
"Hashem spoke to to moshe in the plains of moav by the yarden (jordan river) ay yericho (jericho) saying... speak to the children of israel and say to them... when u cross theyarden to the land of canaan u shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land before u... and u shall destroy all their prostration stones all their molten images shall u destroy... and all their high places shall u demolish... u shall possess the land and u shall settle in it (not a promise or a right but a command and an obligation)... for to u have I given the land to possess it... u shall give the land as an inheritance by lot to your families... to the many u shall increase its inheritance and to the few shall u decrease its inheritance... wherever its lot shall fall his shallit be according to the tribes of your fathers shall u inherit...BUT... if u do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before u those whom u leave shall be pins in your eyes and thorns in your sides and they will harras u upon the land in which u dwell... AND... it shall be that what I had meant (intended) to do to them I shall do to u..."
in other words... G-d knowing full-well that any people we find residing on our land before we get there to conquer it or twice later in history when we came to reclaim it and take it back over... G-d knew that they will hate us forever and always resent us and consider us thieves of their land... so He commanded us that we must not make any covenant or treaty with these inhabitants be they canaanim or arabs... and ordered us to drive them from the land... killing whoever will not go quietly and willingly... this is torah law not our own man-made code... this is what G-d has commanded us to do with the land He gave us and instructed us to live in and keep the torah in...
4) a torah law that does not abide the spilling of "clean" or innocent jewish blood on the sacred soil of eretz yisroel... demanding justice and the cleansing of this innocent blood that defiles and renders impure the ground of our homeland even if a jew does the killing and even if he/she does so only by accident... and all the more so if a filthy jew-hater does it with barbaric pagan bloodthirsty motivations...
as it states in vayikra ~ leviticus 19:16...
5) a torah law that declares a jew must not stand idly by the blood being spilled of his fellow jew without rushing to his/her rescue and once done must avenge it like shimon and levi did when their sister dina was kidnapped and raped... they said... "shall they treat our sister as a whore...?"
from bereshit ~ genesis 34:31...
6) a torah law that clearly and unequivocally commands that no gentiles are to be permitted to dwell inside G-d's holy land who...
a) do not recognize Him as the sovereign of the universe and all of the earth... especially so over eretz hakodesh... eretz yisroel... the holy land...
b) do not recognize and acknowledge that G-d gave the land to His chosen people yisroel... and who do not embrace this idea by submitting to the dictates of the jewish people's torah law to...
c) renounce all idolatry and to accept all the other 7 laws of noach... the universal laws of mankind as commanded to all of mankind for all of human history by G-d at the very time of our receiving the torah on har sinai (mt sinai) from Him...
d) and finally in their submission to the jewish people as G-d's chosen masters over this special sacred land they refuse to lay down their political rights and receive only personal or civil rights... voting or sitting in official capacity of rulership not being one of these civil rights...
and so if they are not willing to accept any one of all of the above or in addition one of the final two conditions for a gentile residing with us in the land... these 2 last conditions being...
e) taxation or tribute
f) service or avoda...
all gentiles who refuse even one of these tenets have to be made forcibly to leave the land or they forfeit their lives if they instead choose to stand and fight us over their staying... all the more so do they die if they hate us and wish to destroy us and our nation and homeland and have actually already attacked us and made war upon us even 1 arrow or 1 rock or a single bomb or gunshot... then they must all go because for that particular nation as a whole it is now forbidden for us to even give them a chance to submit to these conditions for gentiles remaining upon the land with us... and if they resist our forcing them out then it becomes a mandatory (commandment from G-d) to war against them and do so to the death to drive them out...
this is true torah judaism... the authentic law of G-d... and nothing else is true torah... and any jew who denies this though he even be the chief rabbi of the state of israel is either gravely mistaken and in maximal error or is a coward and a traitor being too afraid to speak the truth and stand up for the precious word of G-d...
see rambam ~ maimonides ~ hilchot melachim ~ laws of kings chapter 10 whole chapter for proper overview of the din of goyim... the law of the gentile residing in eretz yisroel...
Rabbi: Vigils? Jews must toughen-up to defeat Muslim (& leftist) bullying
http://JooTube.TV/ Los Angeles Rabbi Moshe Parry tells why Jewish vigils and demonstrations for captives' release only plays into the hands of the kidnappers ...
restoration of torah law as the sole and exclusive law of the land of israel is the only answer for israel and the jewish people...
1) a torah law that demands of us to vow vengeance for atrocities committed against even a single jew anywhere in the world harmed because he/she is a jew... and hence a member of Hashem's holy chosen people...
as shimshon (samson) once stated about revenge...
"as they (the plishtim ~philisitines) have done to me so too have i done (back) to them... (shoftim ~ judges 15:11)...
or as we see in bemidbar ~ numbers 31 G-d commanded Moshe to send the people forth to avenge themselves on midyan who had plotted against them to get them to sin with idolatry and immorality so as to get G-d to wipe them out in a plague... a plague which took 24,000 and would have taken more but for pinchus rising up and slaying wanton promiscuous sinners to stay the plague and quiet Hashem's punishing anger and burning wrath... (bemidbar ~ numbers 25...
2) a torah law that mandates that we go to all-out war to combat assaults on even one of israel's jewish citizens by nations who seek to murder us and steal our land from us...
as when the king of arad came to war with the jewish people in the desert and was only able to take hostage a single maidservant and yet b'nai yisroel went to all-out war to get her back... (bemidbar ~ numbers 21)...
3) a torah law that commands us to conquer our land fully... annex it and remove from its borders all gentiles who were on the land (or whose parents and grandparents were) from before we began to come home 100+ yrs ago now to reclaim our G-d-given heritage and inheritance...
as it says in bemidbar ~number 33:50-56...
"Hashem spoke to to moshe in the plains of moav by the yarden (jordan river) ay yericho (jericho) saying... speak to the children of israel and say to them... when u cross theyarden to the land of canaan u shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land before u... and u shall destroy all their prostration stones all their molten images shall u destroy... and all their high places shall u demolish... u shall possess the land and u shall settle in it (not a promise or a right but a command and an obligation)... for to u have I given the land to possess it... u shall give the land as an inheritance by lot to your families... to the many u shall increase its inheritance and to the few shall u decrease its inheritance... wherever its lot shall fall his shallit be according to the tribes of your fathers shall u inherit...BUT... if u do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before u those whom u leave shall be pins in your eyes and thorns in your sides and they will harras u upon the land in which u dwell... AND... it shall be that what I had meant (intended) to do to them I shall do to u..."
in other words... G-d knowing full-well that any people we find residing on our land before we get there to conquer it or twice later in history when we came to reclaim it and take it back over... G-d knew that they will hate us forever and always resent us and consider us thieves of their land... so He commanded us that we must not make any covenant or treaty with these inhabitants be they canaanim or arabs... and ordered us to drive them from the land... killing whoever will not go quietly and willingly... this is torah law not our own man-made code... this is what G-d has commanded us to do with the land He gave us and instructed us to live in and keep the torah in...
4) a torah law that does not abide the spilling of "clean" or innocent jewish blood on the sacred soil of eretz yisroel... demanding justice and the cleansing of this innocent blood that defiles and renders impure the ground of our homeland even if a jew does the killing and even if he/she does so only by accident... and all the more so if a filthy jew-hater does it with barbaric pagan bloodthirsty motivations...
as it states in vayikra ~ leviticus 19:16...
5) a torah law that declares a jew must not stand idly by the blood being spilled of his fellow jew without rushing to his/her rescue and once done must avenge it like shimon and levi did when their sister dina was kidnapped and raped... they said... "shall they treat our sister as a whore...?"
from bereshit ~ genesis 34:31...
6) a torah law that clearly and unequivocally commands that no gentiles are to be permitted to dwell inside G-d's holy land who...
a) do not recognize Him as the sovereign of the universe and all of the earth... especially so over eretz hakodesh... eretz yisroel... the holy land...
b) do not recognize and acknowledge that G-d gave the land to His chosen people yisroel... and who do not embrace this idea by submitting to the dictates of the jewish people's torah law to...
c) renounce all idolatry and to accept all the other 7 laws of noach... the universal laws of mankind as commanded to all of mankind for all of human history by G-d at the very time of our receiving the torah on har sinai (mt sinai) from Him...
d) and finally in their submission to the jewish people as G-d's chosen masters over this special sacred land they refuse to lay down their political rights and receive only personal or civil rights... voting or sitting in official capacity of rulership not being one of these civil rights...
and so if they are not willing to accept any one of all of the above or in addition one of the final two conditions for a gentile residing with us in the land... these 2 last conditions being...
e) taxation or tribute
f) service or avoda...
all gentiles who refuse even one of these tenets have to be made forcibly to leave the land or they forfeit their lives if they instead choose to stand and fight us over their staying... all the more so do they die if they hate us and wish to destroy us and our nation and homeland and have actually already attacked us and made war upon us even 1 arrow or 1 rock or a single bomb or gunshot... then they must all go because for that particular nation as a whole it is now forbidden for us to even give them a chance to submit to these conditions for gentiles remaining upon the land with us... and if they resist our forcing them out then it becomes a mandatory (commandment from G-d) to war against them and do so to the death to drive them out...
this is true torah judaism... the authentic law of G-d... and nothing else is true torah... and any jew who denies this though he even be the chief rabbi of the state of israel is either gravely mistaken and in maximal error or is a coward and a traitor being too afraid to speak the truth and stand up for the precious word of G-d...
see rambam ~ maimonides ~ hilchot melachim ~ laws of kings chapter 10 whole chapter for proper overview of the din of goyim... the law of the gentile residing in eretz yisroel...
Rabbi: Vigils? Jews must toughen-up to defeat Muslim (& leftist) bullying
http://JooTube.TV/ Los Angeles Rabbi Moshe Parry tells why Jewish vigils and demonstrations for captives' release only plays into the hands of the kidnappers ...
had enough of all this lovely peace yet...? give war a chance!!!
Seriously speechless!
This is a video from a wedding this evening in Ashdod!!!!!
Seriously speechless!
This is a video from a wedding this evening in Ashdod!!!!!
israel... jews... shoot to kill and kill 'em all until they quit our land... enough is enough!!! enough jewish blood... enough jewish martyrs... enough jewish parents burying their kids... ENOUGH!!!
It looks like we are going into Gaza. When there is no choice, we are forced to endanger the lives of our soldiers for victory. Yes, victory. That is the word that was uprooted from the national and military lexicon when we forgot that this is our Land. “Victory” has practically become a dirty word.
The Nation of Israel is willing to pay a price for victory and it is the only justification for an infantry incursion into Gaza.
If the government does not intend to triumph, but rather, simply to go for another round of fighting, it is best to remain outside Gaza. It will be sufficient in that case to cut off their Israel-provided electricity and cash, and continue with artillery and air attacks.
In the mid-90s (the Oslo era) Israel’s “This is our land” mentality switched to “This is their land”. A large cross-section of influential people in the arts, communications, politics, security, justice, media and politics are responsible for the transformation. They built their careers on it and cannot go back to the pre-Oslo days of “This is our Land.”
That is why there is no solution to the terror plaguing Israel.
In the “This is our Land” days, famous Zionist icon and fighter Abba Kovner explained the imperative to conquer Gaza. Kovner did not talk about eliminating terror. He talked about victory. Victory is impossible without moral resolve. Those who want to solve today’s terror problem would be well advised to read Kovenr’s battle order, written for IDF troops as they prepared for battle in the 1956 Sinai War:
“The will to triumph is a prerequisite for victory.”
No containment, no control over the height of the flames and none of the other anti-army, pseudo intellectual discourse that dominates the army today. An army must strive for one thing only: Victory.
After some words of encouragement, Kovner explains:
“Gaza: A living organ torn from the body of the State of Israel.”
Kovner takes a moral stance: Gaza is ours!
He continues:
“A clenched fist is hovering over the state, a base for the murderous Egyptians.”
Kovner refers to the security threat to the state, while homing in on the perpetrators of terror and the country that is behind them.
At the very end of the battle order, Kovner mentions the only claim that is being made today: the suffering of the people:
” Nachal Oz, Be’eri, Kisufim, Nirrim – a chain of flourishing settlements facing a hostile border.”
“Fighters,” Kovner sums up his words, “Smite the enemy!” (There is an enemy and it is not “terror”) “Smite him again and again!” (No “proportionality” here)
“The enemy will be destroyed by the sword of the division fighters” (No stopping in the middle).
“Forward to battle and to victory!” http://www.jewishisrael.org/
The Nation of Israel is willing to pay a price for victory and it is the only justification for an infantry incursion into Gaza.
If the government does not intend to triumph, but rather, simply to go for another round of fighting, it is best to remain outside Gaza. It will be sufficient in that case to cut off their Israel-provided electricity and cash, and continue with artillery and air attacks.
In the mid-90s (the Oslo era) Israel’s “This is our land” mentality switched to “This is their land”. A large cross-section of influential people in the arts, communications, politics, security, justice, media and politics are responsible for the transformation. They built their careers on it and cannot go back to the pre-Oslo days of “This is our Land.”
That is why there is no solution to the terror plaguing Israel.
In the “This is our Land” days, famous Zionist icon and fighter Abba Kovner explained the imperative to conquer Gaza. Kovner did not talk about eliminating terror. He talked about victory. Victory is impossible without moral resolve. Those who want to solve today’s terror problem would be well advised to read Kovenr’s battle order, written for IDF troops as they prepared for battle in the 1956 Sinai War:
“The will to triumph is a prerequisite for victory.”
No containment, no control over the height of the flames and none of the other anti-army, pseudo intellectual discourse that dominates the army today. An army must strive for one thing only: Victory.
After some words of encouragement, Kovner explains:
“Gaza: A living organ torn from the body of the State of Israel.”
Kovner takes a moral stance: Gaza is ours!
He continues:
“A clenched fist is hovering over the state, a base for the murderous Egyptians.”
Kovner refers to the security threat to the state, while homing in on the perpetrators of terror and the country that is behind them.
At the very end of the battle order, Kovner mentions the only claim that is being made today: the suffering of the people:
” Nachal Oz, Be’eri, Kisufim, Nirrim – a chain of flourishing settlements facing a hostile border.”
“Fighters,” Kovner sums up his words, “Smite the enemy!” (There is an enemy and it is not “terror”) “Smite him again and again!” (No “proportionality” here)
“The enemy will be destroyed by the sword of the division fighters” (No stopping in the middle).
“Forward to battle and to victory!” http://www.jewishisrael.org/
restoration of torah law as the sole and exclusive law of the land of israel is the only answer for israel and the jewish people...
1) a torah law that demands of us to vow vengeance for atrocities committed against even a single jew anywhere in the world harmed because he/she is a jew... and hence a member of Hashem's holy chosen people...
as shimshon (samson) once stated about revenge...
"as they (the plishtim ~philisitines) have done to me so too have i done (back) to them... (shoftim ~ judges 15:11)...
or as we see in bemidbar ~ numbers 31 G-d commanded Moshe to send the people forth to avenge themselves on midyan who had plotted against them to get them to sin with idolatry and immorality so as to get G-d to wipe them out in a plague... a plague which took 24,000 and would have taken more but for pinchus rising up and slaying wanton promiscuous sinners to stay the plague and quiet Hashem's punishing anger and burning wrath... (bemidbar ~ numbers 25...
2) a torah law that mandates that we go to all-out war to combat assaults on even one of israel's jewish citizens by nations who seek to murder us and steal our land from us...
as when the king of arad came to war with the jewish people in the desert and was only able to take hostage a single maidservant and yet b'nai yisroel went to all-out war to get her back... (bemidbar ~ numbers 21)...
3) a torah law that commands us to conquer our land fully... annex it and remove from its borders all gentiles who were on the land (or whose parents and grandparents were) from before we began to come home 100+ yrs ago now to reclaim our G-d-given heritage and inheritance...
as it says in bemidbar ~number 33:50-56...
"Hashem spoke to to moshe in the plains of moav by the yarden (jordan river) ay yericho (jericho) saying... speak to the children of israel and say to them... when u cross theyarden to the land of canaan u shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land before u... and u shall destroy all their prostration stones all their molten images shall u destroy... and all their high places shall u demolish... u shall possess the land and u shall settle in it (not a promise or a right but a command and an obligation)... for to u have I given the land to possess it... u shall give the land as an inheritance by lot to your families... to the many u shall increase its inheritance and to the few shall u decrease its inheritance... wherever its lot shall fall his shallit be according to the tribes of your fathers shall u inherit...BUT... if u do not drive out the inhabitants of the land before u those whom u leave shall be pins in your eyes and thorns in your sides and they will harras u upon the land in which u dwell... AND... it shall be that what I had meant (intended) to do to them I shall do to u..."
in other words... G-d knowing full-well that any people we find residing on our land before we get there to conquer it or twice later in history when we came to reclaim it and take it back over... G-d knew that they will hate us forever and always resent us and consider us thieves of their land... so He commanded us that we must not make any covenant or treaty with these inhabitants be they canaanim or arabs... and ordered us to drive them from the land... killing whoever will not go quietly and willingly... this is torah law not our own man-made code... this is what G-d has commanded us to do with the land He gave us and instructed us to live in and keep the torah in...
4) a torah law that does not abide the spilling of "clean" or innocent jewish blood on the sacred soil of eretz yisroel... demanding justice and the cleansing of this innocent blood that defiles and renders impure the ground of our homeland even if a jew does the killing and even if he/she does so only by accident... and all the more so if a filthy jew-hater does it with barbaric pagan bloodthirsty motivations...
as it states in vayikra ~ leviticus 19:16...
5) a torah law that declares a jew must not stand idly by the blood being spilled of his fellow jew without rushing to his/her rescue and once done must avenge it like shimon and levi did when their sister dina was kidnapped and raped... they said... "shall they treat our sister as a whore...?"
from bereshit ~ genesis 34:31...
6) a torah law that clearly and unequivocally commands that no gentiles are to be permitted to dwell inside G-d's holy land who...
a) do not recognize Him as the sovereign of the universe and all of the earth... especially so over eretz hakodesh... eretz yisroel... the holy land...
b) do not recognize and acknowledge that G-d gave the land to His chosen people yisroel... and who do not embrace this idea by submitting to the dictates of the jewish people's torah law to...
c) renounce all idolatry and to accept all the other 7 laws of noach... the universal laws of mankind as commanded to all of mankind for all of human history by G-d at the very time of our receiving the torah on har sinai (mt sinai) from Him...
d) and finally in their submission to the jewish people as G-d's chosen masters over this special sacred land they refuse to lay down their political rights and receive only personal or civil rights... voting or sitting in official capacity of rulership not being one of these civil rights...
and so if they are not willing to accept any one of all of the above or in addition one of the final two conditions for a gentile residing with us in the land... these 2 last conditions being...
e) taxation or tribute
f) service or avoda...
all gentiles who refuse even one of these tenets have to be made forcibly to leave the land or they forfeit their lives if they instead choose to stand and fight us over their staying... all the more so do they die if they hate us and wish to destroy us and our nation and homeland and have actually already attacked us and made war upon us even 1 arrow or 1 rock or a single bomb or gunshot... then they must all go because for that particular nation as a whole it is now forbidden for us to even give them a chance to submit to these conditions for gentiles remaining upon the land with us... and if they resist our forcing them out then it becomes a mandatory (commandment from G-d) to war against them and do so to the death to drive them out...
this is true torah judaism... the authentic law of G-d... and nothing else is true torah... and any jew who denies this though he even be the chief rabbi of the state of israel is either gravely mistaken and in maximal error or is a coward and a traitor being too afraid to speak the truth and stand up for the precious word of G-d...
see rambam ~ maimonides ~ hilchot melachim ~ laws of kings chapter 10 whole chapter for proper overview of the din of goyim... the law of the gentile residing in eretz yisroel...
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