we were on the streets of l.a. all day yesterday... sunday may 15th 2011... first outside the israeli consulate on wilshire blvd and then later on in front of the museum of tolerance at the wiesenthal center on pico blvd... arabs, muslims, leftist jews and jew-hating white filth from orange county confronted us to express their diseased desire to see the state of israel disappear... oh they said they wanted peace and an end to the occupation and freedom, self-determination and civil and human rights for the "poor palestinians..." registering all of the various forms of appropriate themes and acceptable, politically-correct catch-phrases to make it all appear legitimate and justified... to make it all sound like they were well-meaning and well-intentioned and just a bunch of poor, bedraggled and hapless victims of a vicious racial and ethnic injustice... but we all knew the truth... the full truth... their real goal... their not so very-well hidden nor disguised ulterior agenda... to see jewish blood run in the streets of eretz yisroel... flowing in wild torrents in another deluge of a holocaust...
their chanting belied their "fakestinian" claims to want peace and call for justice... "push all of the the jews into the sea..." sing-songs were heard right along side all of their plethora of "hey-heys and ho-ho's calling for a two-state solution... ad nauseum... a recouse which they already could have had anyway 60-odd years ago but rejected it in favor of 4 wars in 25 years... wars mind you... of openly hostile, frenzied and bloodthirsty lunatic-rantings for the total annihilation of truly tortured and abject, pitiful survivors barely escaped from the sword... brands miracuously plucked from the fire in the nick of time from that ww2 cauldron, hell-hole known as europe... and as well wars of bloodcurtling jihadist threats lusting for revenge against those impoverished and meek refugees from arab lands made to flee for their lives with literally nothing but the shirts upon their backs...
and as such... it really begs the two central questions here in all of this mess...
why is "al naqba" ("the catastrophe") at all israel's fault and hence her responsibility to solve...? especially since the truth is known that the mufti of jerusalem during ww2 was in league with hitler... riding out the war in berlin and in the balkans...urging the third reich to bring the creamatoria to the sinai desert if only rommel would be successful in prying egypt from british hands with the assistance of the 5th column nazi-aligned muslim brotherhood already in place on the ground there since the late 1920's... further taking into account and viewing things correctly in the light of the fact that both the mufti and the brotherhood spawned all of the plo and other so-called "palestinian" splinter terror-networks in egypt in the aftermath of the war... all in order to attempt to keep alive the genocidal efforts of the holocaust... to keep it going... to finish the job of liquidating all of the jews from the planet...???
and also as well... why should these same embittered, intractable foes and still-entrenched adversaries today get the very same deal they were once offered BEFORE pursuing these murderous wars they sought...? where is the rectitude in all of this AFTER they refused peace and went to said 4 wars of extermination against us...? and now... why should the result of all of this be that they suffer absolutely no loss whatsoever for any of their past or continuing hate-filled defiance and unrepentant intransigence...? inform me if u will please... how in G-d's name can there be for them... no consequences... no accountability... and most crucially... no incentive not to go right back on the warpath once they receive their blackmail payoff and extortionist wages from the negotiation table...???
this is obscene to the furthest reaches of outrageousness and depraved to the fullest depths of condemnation... and THIS sheer affront to everything objectively decent is what the world considers to be the proper course of diplomatic action to be taken here... nay worthy even of being imposed upon us by force if necessary...??? THIS utter travesty is the world's idea of justice??? this is blasphemous!!! this stinks all the way to the heavenly heights... and G-d Al-mighty will one day soon come down to judge the earth and exact Divine vengeance... extract His pound of flesh from all mankind...
therefore... i say to hell with the entire and thoroughly jew-hating world... NOT ONE INCH!!!!! G-d gave US the land of israel and we are keeping it... down to every last blade of grass or grain of sand upon it!!!! and if ever these vile and despicable genocidal maniacs dare to go to war with us again... i declare that then the living G-d of israel will grant back to us ALL of our ancient biblical eretz yisroel... and then some... including the messianic expansions thereof promised us and vowed to be ours in the end of days by G-d Himself thru all of His holy prophets at the back of the 24 books that comprise the holy bible... the old testament... the ONLY testament... and then we will see the promised land be exclusively for the chosen people once and for all... and witness it stretch from syria and lebanon in the north to egypt in the south and over to iraq, jordan and even to saudi arabia to the east...
the sacred name of G-d... the G-d of avraham, yitzchak and yakov (abraham, isaac and jacob)... resides upon the holy land (indeed this is what makes it holy to begin with) and His Shechina (Divine presence) rules over it... and for us to give away any portion of it to the gentiles... no matter how miniscule... is tantamount to removing the name of G-d from it and allowing for another god's name to be called upon it and rule over it... and this would be for us a disgusting betrayal of G-d... this would be an enormously huge desecration of G-d's name and we as His loyal servants are bidden to lay down our lives if need be to prevent this from occurring...
and lest anyone say that the moslems and the christians worship the very same G-d as we jews do... let me swiftly disavow you from that false notion... even if to these other faiths their god is to them... in their minds... one and hence monotheistic in form and substance... it is nonetheless not the real, solely-exisiting G-d... the one and only G-d of creation... Master of the exodus from egypt and Lawgiver of Revelation at sinai... since both islam and christianity deny that their god chose the jewish people for special election, spiritual elevation and unique holiness... or even if they say our G-d once did but subsequently broke His covenant with us and chose each of them in turn in our stead and that thereby we are no longer that which OUR torah relates about our relationship with Hashem... that we are the one and only treasured nation upon the earth for all-time... which in G-d's eyes renders us... "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation..." (exodus 19:6)... since this is the undeniable case... our G-d is not their god...
and thus either way you cut it... by whichever method of interpretation u employ to discern the goyish take on these matters of doctrinal religious significance and import... since they all deny the on-going validity and truth of our reality... it is axiomatic that they all serve another... a different god... a false god... and that therefore their god is not the one whom we jews worship... meaning to say that "they all bow down to nothingness and emptiness... to a god who cannot save..." because the god they believe in does not even exist... and so the god of islam and the god of chrisitanity are both idolatrous cults no different than any of those of the many pagan religions which proceeded them upon the excruciatingly wearying and arduous stage of human history...
and so dear reader... this was our day yesterday and i invite u all to view the clips of this event on jootube.tv
untl next time... be well and G-d bless... mosh.out...
(to be continued)...
Monday, May 16, 2011
revised and updated version of "torah-true jews in l.a. demonstrate and rally against the "naqba day" blasphemy and obscenity..."
arab israeli,
jewish defense,
jewish heroes,
jews in america,
judaic studies,
middle east,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
now publishing in audio format, too...
follow my podcast... i am now blogging in audio... hear me on "cinch..." audio posts which are podcasts... utilize the links in the right margin... and subscribe for free as well on your facebook and twitter accounts... this first series of podcasts are readings of excerpts from rabbi meir kahane's tremendous work... "why be jewish...?" from 1977... already way back then he foresaw what would surely befall us all as a people, as a land and as a nation-state if we continued down the then-current path of diplomatic policies which we found ourselves upon... the battle has been joined... please listen in... mosh.out...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
background information on the jonathan pollard spy case... part one...
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Jonathan Pollard |
on her thru the filing of a freedom of information petition to i forget which agency... i think it was the justice dept... the boxes of declassified documents came back with the proverbial "smoking gun..."
she had indeed run interference for her husband's company to sell sensitive, advanced high-tech electronic stuff to the chinese AND out of one of their subsidiaries in atlanta,georgia they had sold toxic chemicals to iraq... it was all there in black and white and had occurred during the early-to-mid-'80's... i can get u the exact dates if u like... boca raton, florida or not... chemicals were also going to feed saddam hussein's weapons of mass destruction arsenal via harman
industries out of atlanta...
as it turned out... i was informed that my coverage of these facts at
a press conference on her home turf in redondo beach coupled with a
long letter about her in the then-extant b'nai brith messenger sank
her candidacy for the governor's mansion in sacramento although it did
not impede her from reclaiming her seat in congress the very next
year... it seems that when u get something published even in a tiny
jewish rag it can get picked up by the ap or whathaveyou andbe
desseminated to a much wider audience...
i'm not trying to toot my own horn... far from it... i'm just
endeavoring to connect the dots for u a little further to help clarify
for you some of the areas which your response to us the other evening
was... "i don't know..." because very sadly (sad that these kinds of
things are true about our two govt's and their leadership ranks)...
sad to say... i do know some of these answers and have come across the
evidence to support my contentions...
if u go to the website threeworldwars.com u will find the following...
(faxing the three most relevant pages)... the plot of the
powers-that-be in the world... the elitist slime-that-is i call them
or just "the slime"for short...comprised of the royal families of
europe, the vatican and all of the fascist corporate families
especially here in america but everywhere else as well... they have
plotted now for well over 120 years in the aftermath of the civil
war... which itself was of their doing to begin with... another three
wars allof which were (are) to be global... ww1, ww2and the coming lo
alenu... ww3...
now... the circumstances depicted in the piece outlining how this
information became public may well indeed be a hoax... a clever ruse
to hide and shield the real vile perps from view... however the
content of the material is in deadly-earnestness and is in fact
exactly what did occur before, during and after wws 1&2... and
precisely with uncanny precision and in a chilling degree of accuracy
i might add... what these slime set out to do they accomplished every
step of the way... in every phase of their plan... and not man nor G-d
impeded their progress and the fulfillment of the designs of their
evil hearts...
please read these depictions for yourself... and then realize and know
that they are still out there... this group of slime... the
descendants and successors from these two previous eras... planning
the final coup de grace to their sinister and satanic machinations to
bring their new world order and one world government and religion to
bear... to at long last accomplish the goal of nimrod (followed by
esav when he killed nimrod to usurp his power-base and assume it for
himself) (much longer idea to develop for u at a later point)...
john loftus has a few books out there that i'm sure u are aware of...
"unholy trinity" and "the secret war against the jews..." in addition
u probably... as well i'm certain... have seen or have heard of edwin
black's book... "the transfer agreement" which also tells the
sickening tale of how the secular labor zionists (read: the
sabatean/frankists) (not for now... another longer point to be fleshed
out at some later date)... made a deal with the devil to save only the
jews they desired to save from the kivshan haaish hell-hole that was
nazi-europe... this goes along with the work by ben hecht "perfidy"
which i have to believe u have actually read...(about the kastner
trial and assassination)...
proof for the veracity of all the above research by these gentlemen
comes from a single picture from i think "unholy trinity" that shows
ben gurion with eichmann in '37 touring around "palestine" and
demonstrates tomy satisfaction that "the fix was in" and that there
was collaboration by the labor zionists with the nazi germany to do
the holocaust...
further... simultaneously... or really earlier on in america and
britain between '33-'35... (all of the following comes via francisco
gil-white's website historical investigative research {hir}) that
outside of israel there was growing concern for the safety of european
jews and the little guy on the street... the average ma and pa jew and
concerned gentile were fomenting aboycott of german goods and
products...and that this effort was making headway and picking up
steam and was actually threatening to undermine the german economy and
war machine...
threatening to topple the nazi regime that is until they made the
fatal flaw of enlisting the support and conceding the reins of
leadership and authority for the movement to the elite strata (read
again: slime)... to the jewish blue-blood establishment figures...
i.e. s.s. weiss and his counterpart in england... forgot his
name...but it is clearly identified in the hir piece i am referencing
on all of this... and they together under and with the guiding hand of
chaim weizmann yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed... destroyed this
boycott and rescued the nazis from complete collapse... which
effectively would have stopped the holocaust dead in its tracks and
could have and should have rescued the 6 million...
the whole traitorous affair is all there in francisco's research
paper... and since these erev rav, unjewish jews saved the day (much
to their relief and gratitude) for the american/british/and german
nazis... for that is who they truly were... all those who built up the
german post-world war 1 infrastructure to enable ww2 and the shoah...
they were not just nazi-sympathizers or collaborators complicit in and
with the carnage and slaughter ... no... but they were and their
actual nazis...in league with the and actually their bosses... their
superiors and paymasters...
and they now owed a geat debt of gratitude
to the likes of ben gurion, weizmann and s.s. weiss, and the brit
jew-bastard for preserving their little gambit of secretly plotting
and carrying out ww2 and the holocaust of eastern european torah jewry
and in the final analysis it could not have been done without
perfidious jewish help to sell out their brethren and as weizmann said
in '39 to the world zionist congress... "two-million must go and be
consigned to the dust-bin of history..." or words to that effect... i
can get u the exact quotation... either he was lying and knew that the
number was going to be three times higher or he was lied to by his
slime handlers... and if memory serves... though history records he
recv'd the nobel prize for acetone to better detonate dynamite... his
real claim to fame was devising zyclon-b gas to more efficently
exterminate his unwanted fellow jews... "the refuse of the ghettos" as
he refered to them after the war to excuse israel's lack of any effort
to rescue raoul wallenberg from the russian gulag...
for u see the german nazis may have lost the war but the fascist
american and british nazis won it... they prevailed...not the decent
men and women on earth and the portions of world gov'ts that sincerely
fought the war against
despotism and human bondage...
i said all of this to now say this...
john loftus in "the secret war against the jews" inaccurately portrays
what jonathan pollard was really "guilty" of doing to the elitist
slime... saying that pollard blew the whistle on the very first
"palestinian" ship in the greek islands in the summer of '84 carrying
the first shipment of u.s. arms to iran for aid to the contras and for
the release of the u.s. hostages in lebanon... now the findings of the
congressional hearings on the iran/contra affair only concluded that
the u.s. involvement began in the summer of '85 and at the behest of
israel when really the facts were just the opposite... the reverse
scenario and a year earlier... israel being roped in by the u.s to
help them out in the deliveryof these weapons to iran... the potential
for fatal and severe damageand derailing of the future prospects of
the presidency of george bush sr. was at stake so they made up lies to
throw the key away on him to keep him fromspilling the beans on this
now jonathan may or may not have done all of the above... but
according to john loftus himself in a follow-up excerpt from a book he
was writing (which never saw thelightof day) (i called the publisher
of his other books they told me the project had been terminated) (i
then called john and he said he was instead preparing a video
documentary on jonathan's case... i asked him to allow me to come to
his home to read the unpublished manuscript if he did not want to
send it to me but he said no and to my knowledge the video has never
been aired if indeed it was ever shot)... (someone must have gotten to
him)... but the excerpt i have... i printed myself a copy before it
was taken down from there... it appeared several summers ago in
"moment" magazine but has since been deleted from their archives...
(only article of theirs to have been pulled as far as i can see)...
(it also appears on aish hatorah's website archives and i willbe
faxing it over to u)...
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