point of clarification... i should have stated clearly in this video... that i feel adler was mistaken to have published his article... first such incendiary controversial issues should not be aired in public like this and secondly i disagree that israel is anywhere near the dire scenario that he paints israel to currently be in...
all israel has to do to extricate herself from the threat to her existence and survival which she herself by her own actions has put herself in... is to do what rav meir kahane called for israel to do...
to take back the sinai (and since his death... now gaza as well)... annex all the territories and transfer out all the arabs from off ALL of our liberated biblical land... (inside the "green line" and beyond it)... then declare the end of oslo to the world and the sacredness of our commandment from G-d in His (our) torah to hold onto every part of it and never cede any of His holy land to any other nation or people... and then build the third temple on the temple mount... and if we show the courage that this policy would entail... the jewish people and the land of israel would be guaranteed Divine protection and G-d would immediately come to our rescue from any and all threats of war over these steps taken by sending finally our long awaited messiah (moshiach ben david)...
so this is what i should have included in my reaction to adler's op-ed piece and the subsequent over-reactionary "vomiting of him out" done to him by the pathetic so-called "american jewish leadership establishment" (sic and truly sick)...
one final point... adler's rumination was unnecessary for another crucial reason... Divine providence is our protection thruout our history... not our putting our trust in "princes of flesh and blood" and contrary to the thinking of adler and all those jewish leaders currently oppressing our people by their rulership over us... it matters not whom is president... for if we keep the torah properly as G-d commands... even our worst enemy would be made by G-d to act favorably towards us... as for example occurred after the jews repented their sins and haman's evil plot to exterminate all of then world jewry was foiled and king acheshvairosh (xerxes) no less of a jew-hater then haman (just a cleverer one who pretended to be our friend even though he discontinued our building of the second temple which the first king of persia cyrus (koresh) had desired and ordered (not just permitted or allowed) and despite the fact that he conspired with haman to genocide the children of israel though haman never mentioned us by name when he asked permission to do so and king ach was careful never to ask but he knew whom haman had in mind and was more than willing to let him try to eradicate us...
on the other hand... if we are found wanting and unworthy by G-d even "the best friend we ever had in the white house" george w... will be made to go against us as he ordered sharon and forced him to go thru with the gaza expulsion... this point too should have been made clearly in my video... that i disagree entirely with how much power any world leader actually has... as i hold by the maxim of our sages that... "lev melachim b'yad Hashem..." that "the heart of kings is in the hand of G-d..." meaning that because potentially the kings of the earth wield so much power over mankind and hold sway over huge parts of the earth... G-d removes from them a portion of their freewill that each human being has in order to control or limit their potential evil or good... limiting these to whatever He... G-d... decrees at any one time period in world history...
so adler is wrong for all these reasons... and of course should never have raised the issue in public as it was wrong philosophically as i have stated and wrong journalistically... being in very bad taste...
however i still maintain he should not have been savaged like this by the so-called american jewish leadership mafia... er... establishment... they destroyed this poor man's life just to protect their own safety and positions of security, power and influence... had adler said something proper but "scary" to these leaders... they would have reacted the same way... because all they ever do is run a loop in their collective heades of "mah yomru hagoyim...?" what will the gentiles say...?" their one and only concern is that anti-semitism shouldn't raise it's frightening specter here in the u.s. so that they are forced to flee to israel where they should be right now anyway by Divine dictate... long ago... at least from '67 on all jews should have been back in our homeland but they refuse to go and they refuse to teach jews to do so... and thus had adler uttered something just as equally frightening to them but nevertheless irrefutably correct... setting off all of their bells, whistles and alarms of all of their red-flag sensitivities that endlessly run in their heads on a loop... they would have still arisen as one en masse to destroy him... poor fellow... and just as he owes obama and all americans an apology... so too do these "leaders: owe him one as well... 'nuff said...
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
American-Jewish leaders take hard-line to serve-up Atlanta Jewish Times' publisher Andy Adler out-of their own (not Judaic) self-interest
Rabbi Moshe ("New Moses") Parry condemns the heavy-handed pressures of the Jewish "establishment" to ostracize Atlanta Jewish Times' publisher, Andrew Adler, over an editorial which posits President Obama as impeding Israel's security. Rabbi Parry feels that the Jewish "establishment" in North America took a condemning rather than liberal interpretation of Mr. Adler's allegory in order to "serve Mr. Adler up" to the Administration- to distance themselves from allegations of Jewish dual-loyalism to Israel. He charges the mostly Democrat Jewish establishment prioritizes their diaspora donations from Obama supporters and perpetuation of Jews residing in the diaspora- over their primary Judaic obligations.
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