Wednesday, July 16, 2014

population exchange (transfer)... an idea whose time is long past due in the jewish/muslim conflict...

it's late but it's still not too late... to end the middle east conflict once and for all... all the arabs must be transfered out of israel to any of 22 arab and muslim countries and the jewish state must annex all of the liberated territories stemming from the 6-day war back in 1967... and we must go to a one-state solution to escape this seemingly insoluable quagmire... this approach is the only true avenue to peace in the region...

now the above is the case not only because it is the only untried option in the 100+ yr struggle between these two totally incompatible peoples cultures and ways of life... but because it is the true will of the Creator... the G-d of israel... the G-d of the only true testament... the torah... the "old" (read: first only original and authentic) bible... proof for this can be found here next from my fb page...

 herein i will briefly lay out for u and discuss the historical and geo-political policy precedent for the transfer concept...

~ immediately after ww2 12 million ethnic germans were moved out of the sudetenland silesia and danzig in poland and czechoslovakia... they had been living in that region for a thousand yrs... but they had been a fifth column in the late 30's and had thus brought on hitler to horribly disasterous results...

~ in 1947 millions of hindus and moslems were repatriated from regions within india and pakistan respectively to end the slaughter there...

~ around this time on the island of cyprus greece and turkey exchanged populations to each one's half of the island to end the bloodshed there...

~ the czech's also exchanged ethnic nationals with hungary...

there are other examples i might be leaving out but u get the idea...

and so the burning and vital question is...


in the late 40's and thru the 50's israel took in 800,000 jews from arab lands all over the middle east and north africa and so now it is late but finally the time to finish the population exchange with the arab world by giving them the arabs... christians and moslems... yet to be found in our midst within the borders of our singular solitary jewish land nation and country...

we will compensate them for their property minus 10% for the jewish property seized and confiscated from the sephardic jews back when they were chased out from muslim lands and subtracting another 10% for the benefit of the jewish victims and martyrs of the oslo terror and all the terror by arabs dating back to pre-state "palestine" (misnomer)... but the times when we were known around the globe as "palestinian" jews... dating from the late 1880's onward... and these funds will go as well  to compensate our jewish families for their war dead from 4 wars plus the '82 lebanon campaign...

the only reason this idea is not put forward with any seriousness in the media nor floated with the earnestness it deserves within the ranks of any elite diplomatic ruling circles in the un and worldwide is due to the near universal historical jew-hatred of europe including their royal families and the vatican... throwing the american higher echelon families into this mix all of whom brought the nazis to power back in the day and have surrepiticiously been behind the rise of the jihadist islamic movement all along since the close of the holocaust... the genocide of european jews that the muslim world supported abetted and aided via the leadership of the mufti of jerusalem and the moslem brotherhood in egypt... all of whom are today working feverishly and in concert to see israel destroyed hence they refuse to even entertain the idea and allow the transfer concept that rav meir kahane raised and championed at the cost of his life beginning back in the early 1980's and which therefore animates them to adamantly deny the one-state solution for israel to annex all of her ancient biblical lands that would naturally follow from our completing the population exchange begun after statehood was won by israel in the war of independence of 1948...


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